Chapter 1

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Michelle was on her way home from studying at a friends' place when she spotted the ginger girl right outside her house. "B, is that you?" Bloom looked like a deer in headlights. "I thought you were in Switzerland?" "Michelle, I -uh- I can explain." "Calm down, B, I won't rat you out. Let's go for a walk."

Bloom really didn't expect to run into her sister and didn't really know how she could talk herself out of this situation. The girls walked for a while in silence when they arrived at the gateway. Or well, Michelle thought they just arrived at their "clubhouse". Whenever the chicken nuggets weren't enough, the girls would hide out in the abandoned building where they sometimes had secret sleepovers. It was their safe space. The fact that it was also a gateway to Alfea was just pure coincidence.

Sitting down on the mattress, Michelle turned her attention to the taller, but younger girl. "What's up, B? I know I'm kind of failing geography but I'm pretty sure you couldn't have been in Switzerland a couple of hours ago and here now." "I know, I know. I can explain." But then they heard it. Someone was in the building with them. Looking over the windowsill Michelle spotted red eyes looking around for something. Her breath got caught in her throat and she quickly pulled Bloom against the wall with her while putting her hand to her mouth to keep quiet. She hadn't been that scared ever but she knew she had to keep her little sister safe. An explanation could be given later if they got out of here alive.

Meanwhile in the Otherworld, Sky and Riven were suddenly overcome by the feeling of sheer panic. Not understanding where it suddenly came from they went to headmaster Silva. Silva, recognizing what was happening took the both of them with him to headmistress Dowling's office. "Farah, I think Sky and Riven's mate is close by." Wait, what? Their mate?

Riven and Sky figured out last year that they would have to share a mate. In the Otherworld everyone would get a marking on their skin with the initials of their mate. Both guys had the initials M.P. and would at times feel the same feeling or get hurt in the same spot. Knowing they weren't hurt themselves and weren't feeling those feelings themselves the feelings had to come from their soulmate and seeing as it always happened to the both of them at the same time, they quickly figured out that they would have to share a mate. At first, they really weren't happy about having to share the person made for them. But, after a while and a whole lot of talking they figured out they could keep her safe even better and make sure she would feel loved.

It wasn't common that they felt something from her, let alone so strong. Ms. Dowling soon concluded that their mate was somewhere in the First World and most likely human. When they figured that out they weren't happy, again. How in the world would they ever find her, let alone convince her their world was real and mates were real? They were then glad they were in the same boat, because they could look for her together and talk about it with each other, knowing the other would get it. They had decided that they would go look for her next summer after they finished their training, so they could gently let her get used to the idea of being mated to the two of them.

When mates first find each other, they want to be together at all times. It wouldn't be possible for their mate to leave their sides because Riven and Sky would go ballistic, borderline animalistic. Both Sky and Riven were strong specialists which would make both of them extremely protective, some would even say possessive, of their mate. This would mean that she wouldn't be able to live alone in the First World. That's why they were planning on staying with her there for a while before convincing her to come back with them to their world.

However, if they would meet her now, she would have to stay at Alfea with them. They knew if they found her, they wouldn't be able to let her go. So much for their carefully planned meeting and slowly letting her get used to their world. If they found her, she would be theirs. They could only hope she would understand.

It worried them a lot that they suddenly could feel their mate so strong. As Silva said, it would have to mean that their mate was close by. This also worried Farah, because a human shouldn't be able to just wonder into their world. Something must be wrong. She told the three to gear up and join her outside the barrier to check the gateways to make sure everything was alright. She also knew if they would find the human girl, she wouldn't be able to leave. She would have to stay with Sky and Riven or they would be unmanageable, angry and out for blood until they would have her in their arms again. It made Farah hope the girl was still in the First World and safe.

Aisha, Terra and Musa came storming in. "Bloom is outside the barrier. We have to find her." There went the hope the girl was safe. Now she could only hope she wouldn't be hurt too bad or Sky and Riven would lose their minds.

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