Chapter 16 : The Attack 2

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Toki: Man...where the food at I'm hungry as hell damn there's no food shop in this school?! Jeez this school suck more than the school I studied at before and my school didn't even have bathrooms hehehe. So why don't you come out and tell me where the hell is the food shop.

Link: Ya got me
*steps out of the shadow of a pillar*
You got some nice eyes so tell me who was the guy who killed my brothers that were camping on the mountain you came from. Is it Qlo or Kai?

Toki: Ahh~~~ I just wanted some food man if you wanna know who killed those guys....It was me
so are you gonna try to kill me? If so fine with me it'll take my mind off being hungry.

Link: YOU FUCKING MURDERER!!! I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!!. I'll slaughter you....

Toki: Fine you can kill me go ahead. I've been trying to do that for years man.
*Link rushes Toki with killing intent*

Toki: You let your anger get in the way of a fight not very smart of you don't ya say Link?
*Toki aims his finger at Link*     *Link ducks down* 

Toki: Just kidding hahahaha
*Toki kicks Link in the face*
Ow that must have hurt.

*Toki cracks one of his fingers and aims at Link on the ground*    *BANNNNGGG*    *Link dodges*

Link: You may have kicked my face but you missed your attack!!!

Toki: Who said I was aiming for you?
*Toki flies up in the sky because of air recoil*
Say goodbye Link HAHAHAHAHA!!!
*Toki cracks 9 of his fingers and aims at link on the ground*

*Link has died to Toki's blast*

Toki: Now how will I get down safely
*Toki cracks his neck from left or right*
Ok 1% in each palm.

*BANNNNGGG*  Phew... now where's the food shop.

Qlo: Ok we tied up the principal and now we Hijacked the mics ok we got the smoke machine.

Kai: Ok I'll set up the smoke machine on the hallway.

Qlo: Ok I'll tell everyone that they're a fire. *Qlo presses the speak button on the mic*
Hello, Everyo--

To be Continued-

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