Chapter 19: A Name!

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Toki: What should I call this new ability? Wait now that I think about it, I never named
my wind compression ability. I should give both of them a name so I don't get confused.
I'll name the wind compression ability Burst. And I'll name the new orb ability
Solar System.


Qlo: *Cough Cough*  What.... Happened?

Student 1: Oh, you're awake now. Hello, Nice to meet you my name is Edward.
And what's your name? You seemed to have come to my school to do something

Qlo: Why would I ever tell you my name? Untie me right now and I'll make your death painless.
If you don't untie me I swear to god I'll rip you limb from limb until you die of blood loss.

Edward: Wow wow, Calm down there. All I wanna know is why you came to my school.
You looked shady and you knocked out the principal and hijacked the school
We have your friend over there he is still asleep but we took away his weapons.

Qlo: " Damn Kai and I are tied to chairs and we can't do anythin- WAIT! I can do something.
If I just make a small explosion by touching the rope with my ability can I be freed!
I just need him to go somewhere for a second."

*Door opens*

Student 2 : EDWARD! I can't get in contact with Obi! I think he might have lost this is bad.


Edward: Hinata , Kuga Calm down. Obi is probably fighting him right now, you know how he likes to drag out fights. He's just having a little fun right now he just likes toying people with his ability.

Kuga: I still think we should check upon him.

Edward: Hinata, you're probably right. I'm so stressed ever since we got these powers.
I can't think straight, I think I need a few days off from school to take it in.
I'm still worried I think we should check up on him as Kuga said.

Edward: Ugh, Fine. Let's go check upon him.
Kuga you stay here and watch over these 2 bozos.

Kuga: Ok Edward.

To be Continued-

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