Chapter 1

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“I’m not quite sure ‘bout this Matt” I gulped as the car came to a stop.

“I don’t care. We’ve all come to an agreement. Off you go. Pick ye up in an hour, ‘right mate?”

I didn’t feel like replying, not when I had just been basically thrown out of the car like I was some kind of inert chunk of mass that needed to be constantly pushed and kicked around so as to function. Nobody, not even my closest friends and relatives, seemed to ever take into account my damn will. What I fucking want. They usually just get automatically discarded, my wishes, just because they don’t fit the ‘rockstar’ image I’m supposed to affect.

Fuck ‘em

So here I stood before a quite select block of flats in one of the most posh neighborhoods to ever exist in England. I felt uncomfortable, like I didn’t belong here, but hey I’m loaded now so luxuries should appeal to me, right? Well they don’t.

Anyway, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible, I trotted to the entrance and rang 3 Bº. A rough voice come out of the little speaker quite sharply.

“Who is it?”

“Alex…Alex Turner”

“Tur-…yea, yea come on in.”

And so, with a loud buzz, the door went unlocked and I let myself in. Waiting for the lift, I could feel my nerves setting in along with an unshakeable sensation of dread. Not exactly because of what was going to happen in the next hour, but because of what may happen if this didn’t work. I had seen just everyone: gp doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, reflexologists, acting coaches and they had all failed to help me. I was running out of options.

The door was swiftly opened as I was walking down the hall and…well, the sight I was greeted with was certainly not what I had expected. There, in the doorway, stood a bloke that couldn’t be older than thirty, maybe even younger than me- even though he was a bit taller in comparison. He had raven hair cut in a way that made him look like a lost beatle, a pair of eyes that resembled honey and an overall thin frame. With his long arms he gestured for me to come in and guided the way to his private office.

Cozy. There was a particular atmosphere in that room, something about the dim lights and austere yet modern decoration that seemed to somewhat ease my general uptight state.

“Alex, take a sit would ye?” He offered pointing at a large blue sofa as he himself sit on a grey leather armchair opposite.

“Um yea” I replied awkwardly and did as I was told. It was an exquisitely comfortable sofa still I couldn’t lay back and totally relax. I wanted to run away; I couldn’t.

“So let me introduce myself first. My name is Miles, Miles Kane. I’ve been reached out by one of your friends… Matthew? [I nodded]...Right Matt, cool lad…Well, he explained to me that you were suffering, quite occasionally, panic attacks and had been diagnosed some months ago with chronic social anxiety, is that right?”

“Yes” I answered somberly.

“Right, understandably, being the frontman of a band that’s getting bigger by the second, this presents a real problem to you when it comes to performing on stage as well as attending massive social events you’re typically expected to be present in yet you aren’t. A change in attitude would be most beneficial not only for the prosperity of the band, of course, but also for you in terms of your quality of life. Now, as you didn’t personally book this meeting, I assume you might have been obliged to come here[hell yea]. I’ve been told too you’ve seen many people before me who failed alleviate your unsettling feelings, many of whom you have had downright bad experiences with and I’m sorry for that [sure]. Frauds abound, therefore I get it if you are wary of my methods at first, but I can guarantee you that if you do cooperate, you’ll be able to see results immediately after the sessions. I have arranged with your fellas ye’ll be taking a session a week for a month. That will be the trial period which, if when concluding, you see no results I’ll return your money. But that’s the last thing I want to happen [of course!], I’m determined to help you. The question here is: Do you want to help yourself Alexander?”

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