Chapter 4

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“This is suffocating you, Al…raise your arms…good…off it goes! What an awful knitted sweater, way too heavy for yer slight frame to ‘old, love. Breathe in now…See! So much better…”


I was sitting bare-chest on the sofa, slowly blushing under Miles’ gaze. From where was, I could see that he was wearing a pair of blue tight jeans, classic black vans and a plain white t-shirt, an outfit that suited him tremendously in spite of its inherent simplicity. With long steps, he came closer and clumsily positioned himself next to me on the couch.

“Now …Fall” He whispered in my ear, pressing only his index finger against my chest.

Now that I call power.

I fell, somehow, and was now enjoying the relieving sensation of not having to support one’s weight at all.

Thank you servile cushions.

“So, Al…” Miles shot me a wicked look. His pupils were dilated and for once there was no trace of his peculiar brownish glow, only a sharp black pearl that, surrounded by whiteness, clearly stood out.

“You’re straight” He pouted in a mild high-pitched voice, placing his right hand on my chest and starting to move it in circular motion. “aren’t you?”

Is it natural for you to just caress people like this?

His touch had such a strong soothing effect on me that I practically couldn’t focus on anything else. Presently, I couldn’t form neither a coherent thought nor a sentence. All I knew is I felt incredibly calm and that alone was enough for now. 

“No answer eh? I’ll have to test it myself then.” He chuckled and moved his hand down, leaving a marked trace of goosebumps as he did so.

A jolt…it travelled up my spine to my brain which processed the source: a hand, a soft brush, the slightest contact was enough to trigger that physical response men get when aroused.

“Oh, Al! It appears to me that you want me to touch you some more.” Miles purred most irresistibly as he tilted his head a bit and lowered his gaze. “Here” He emphasized, palming my length through the thick cotton fabric, his signature smirk never leaving his face.

“Yes… I do.” I confessed embarrassed and desperate at the same time.

“Like this?” He asked feigning naivety while sliding one smooth hand under my underwear and then zealously flicking his wrist up and down my throbbing hard-on. His eyes were fixed on mine again, watching my every reaction; his lip was being bit by his brilliant canine.

Words totally eluding me, I nodded overcome with pleasant feelings and instinctively closed my eyes.

“No, open your eyes Alex, look at me…yeah just like that, straight at my face. I’m a lad, see? Just like you babe. Try to get that past your thick skull. I’m giving you a handjob and hell you’re enjoying it love. Moaning like a needy slut.” He  snickered and, tightening his grip proceeded to move his hand faster.

No, this can’t be happening.

“No I… can’t… stop!” I pleaded between whimpers, hands clasped over my face.

“Oh but you can. You want this babe, I know it. It needs out, all this accumulated sexual frustration. Hold it no more, it’s okay, c’mon Al…” He slurred sultrily and, leaning over me proceeded to bite my neck with his sharp teeth.

I’m so weak.

I can’t resist you, Miles.

“Oh fu…ck…fuck!... god!” I cried out wriggling and climaxing- feeling as light as a feather being carried away by a cool autumn breeze.

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