Chapter 12

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‘Let’s count back from ten now. When we reach zero you’ll fall into a deep relaxing trance ’

The blonde bird started mumbling and I felt my attention shifting quickly so that I was once more dwelling on my misery. I was being a complete hypocrite, yes. I could barely keep myself together lately…how am I supposed to help others? It’s shallow; every word I elicit is a mere sound, completely devoid of any meaning or feeling. Nothing moves me anymore.

‘Good now…’

Paul McCartney’s ‘let it be’ scream cut me short and I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw ‘Alex’ shining bright in my phone screen. Taking hold of it, my finger hovered over the ‘dismiss’ red symbol but, curiosity being stronger than resentment, I finally told the woman to keep counting and answered the call.

“Now you wanna talk…” I started bitterly.

“Hey! You’re Miles right?” A girl squeaked hastily and my teeth clenched automatically.

“Yea?” I huffed feeling both peeved and hurt.

“Look I need you…you have to…like…come take Alex to the hospital…ER…he’s…”

“Excuse me!? What…what happened to him? Is he with you now?” I yelled, springing to my feet and tensing up.

“I don’t know…Yes; he’s breathing, his heart beating normally but he…he’s not waking up. I can’t…” She wailed and set to susurrate ‘Alex!’ non-stop.

He passed out while fucking you?

“Listen to me now, I’m in fuckin’ England! I don’t know where you are or… Go take him yourself right away, I’ll take the next flight and…”

“I can’t! His body…oh I can’t risk being thought an aggressor! I’m still processing my permanent resident visa…I love LA it’s…”

LA then.

She probably meant something else.
Foreigners mess up the words quite frequently.

“No, it’s fine…you go take him right fucking now, I’ll give you all the damn money you need to bribe those people and get your visa, okay?  You’d better…” My voice cracked as dread seemed to be making my heart shrink.

“No, no, no…I really can’t. I’ll see and call someone else. I thought you…nevermind” and with a long sigh the stranger hung up, leaving me at a complete loss of words.

I was at best befuddled. All I got to understand is that Alex is in need of immediate medical assistance and that bitch, for some stupid reason, wasn’t willing to cooperate the way she goddamn should.

Now what has he gotten himself into?

I pressed the ‘call’ green symbol desperately.

I wasn’t done talking yet.


Normally, I was a huge fan of travelling by plane at night. I lived for that moment you looked out the window to see your hometown a simple grouping of shining dots that quickly got lost among the immensity of its surroundings. It’s somewhat unsettling to realise just how insignificant you really are in the whole picture. And then again, this is just Earth. A little turquoise sphere floating in the immeasurable infinity we call ‘outer space’.

But my brain was not at all concerned with those fascinating topics at the moment. The source of my desperation was to that sensational immensity probably a petty speck, lost among equal nothingness. Through my eyes, however, he was the most significant little spot in this colourful, permanently changing canvas where nothing is ever still for a second except it’s dead.

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