Chapter 16

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Prying girls

I've always had a sort of special sense that lets me know when I'm being stared at, even when the starer is far away. A light tickling sensation expands lazily over my nape, usually, like a soft feather were being brushed along it. However cool it may sound, it's actually more of a curse than a gift since I tend to find myself way too self-aware and uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gazes of random strangers.

Only, this time, it wasn't exactly one.

Confused at the sudden feeling I looked around in disbelief.

Surely there can't be anyone else than Miles here?

But the windows.

Curtains open, all I could focus on was on the bright rays of light shyly creeping in, taking baby steps over the orange carpet: sunrise at its peak.

Who then?

Stretching my gaze, I convinced myself that nobody could possibly see us from ground floor or the streets, at any rate. But just as I was about to dismiss the matter altogether, I spotted a place I'd never seen before. On the very left, just yards away from where we were, there was a five-storey house, one that could only be seen from this perspective, it seems. It was a lovely traditional British dwelling, with a seemingly strong foundation consisting of big red bricks and cement. It had a chimney on the top and some cats strolling casually on the terrace below, which was decorated with a wide variety of colourful plants and flowers. Looking down, however, I saw some tiny double-hung windows open, on which panes the sun reflected my way, making it hard for me to look in that direction.

"Al?" Miles' hand gripped at my shoulders but I ignored them. Finally on my feet, I saw a familiar face clinging to the rail and smiling cheekily.


Waving her hand –and phone- at me, she winked and mouthed something I didn't care deciphering, opting instead to flee to the bathroom and lock myself in.

She can't have seen us.



"See it's from waist up, all I can see is two very hot boys kissing! And now this... 30,000 likes Alex, thirty-thousand!! That's a lot for it being only half-an-hour online!!! Shit is gonna go viral today, trust me. Now you will get back at those stupid bandmates of yours." Cara beamed, nudging my arm repeatedly.  " When I read you were in jail...poor little thing! I was on NYC but still called a friend of mine whose family are all recognised lawyers. See that's just the caring friend I am. Even though you ignore me and don't attend most of my parties- knowing my place is just steps away from your boyfriend's now that's rude..." She pouted and readily continued "I was  thinking too..."

"Shut up! This...This is all wrong" My hands drew a big circle on the air. "You can't have watched us, fuck that's just...wrong and then you take a picture for the world to see? I don't care if they can see us entirely naked or not...I don't want anybody to see...It's our privacy... I...I'm not gay...officially"

A tsunami of giggles and laughter followed, making me even more furious. Miles had somehow ended teaming up with Cara and saying this was a 'subtle' way of coming out. Subtle! Very nonchalantly, he'd told me he thought the picture was 'plain cute' and then quickly resumed the maniacal pressing of the refresh button to see how many stupid 'likes' it got.

"Alex you're killing me here, emanate gay vibes honey! From the way you seat with those skinny legs firmly crossed to those recurrent pouts you make...I mean" Cara shrugged her shoulders, making her oversized camel sweater slip down one.

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