Chapter 9

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One month

Today was our little anniversary. I still couldn’t believe more than a week had gone by since this couple thing started; time really went fast when by his side. Miles was just so unlike anyone else I had ever known… I mean, simply the fact that he’s a hypnotist gave him this kind of enigmatic aura and his peculiar way of dressing just stretched that impression further. He was extremely fascinating too, it was virtually impossible to get bored when Miles was around: he could well plan a night out at this vintage cute little restaurants as well as one at the ‘zombies’ maze of death’ in a nearby amusement park. Honestly, I never knew what to expect from him and while that did trigger some anxiety at first, now it just felt thoroughly exhilarating because I truly trusted him- past the professional thing, as a person. I had come to realise that he cared for my well-being in a genuine way, no underhand intentions attached to his actions. Like that time at the cinema when, hurriedly coming back from the loo, I stupidly tripped over some popcorns and fell headfirst on the stairs…it was a pretty humiliating thing and half the people in the room were laughing at me still Mi came to pick me up and asked if I had injured myself. Now, he could have just stayed on his seat and ask when I got there yet, instead, he took me to the hospital straightaway. I remember insisting on staying and how he just went on repeating ‘hitting your head hard is a dangerous thing Al, we’re not risking that for a stupid film’…the very same film he had been obsessing over for weeks before its premiere and staying late with eyes glued on the pc screen to get the best seats.

My hypnosis sessions had continued, but it really got increasingly difficult not to take his every statement and order in a sexual way. I mean, it’s not like before I didn’t get excited but now oh… from the very moment he purred ‘sleep’ I was a mess of longing. For this reason I now woke up a lot, breaking the trance to start instead a hot make out session that always ended the same way:

‘Sleep’ He would suddenly shout pushing me back on my spot.

‘…with me’ I would reply opening my eyes as fast as they had closed and pulling him close to me.

At those occasions, he would get mildly annoyed and say that I needed to keep my hormones at bay, that if I kept not taking things seriously, he would have to send me to another hypnotist. Appalled by that perspective, I’d usually apply myself but still it was tough. I just didn’t understand what fixation he had with waiting.

Did he enjoy seeing me all flustered and agitated when his embraces lasted a little too long?

Wasn’t he so against this whole frustration problem I had?

Now, what the fuck is he doing by making me wait but feeding it?

I need a relief.

He’d better has something in mind tonight ‘cause I as hell do.


Late, late, late.

My poor baby had had an exhausting day- at least that’s what he told me when I got to his place at the expected hour and he was still among five frying-pans, desperately turning the heat to maximum.

It was delicious, he had prepared this sort of wok-seared mix that consisted of spaghetti, chicken and tons of unknown spicy colourful things. I loved the feeling of all those mysterious semicircles in my tongue.

“I supposed you would enjoy that, seeing as the delicate flavour of carrots goes unnoticed by your badass palate.” He winked when I shivered and giggled while swallowing a yellow one.

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