Chapter 5

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It could be worse.

Thanks to its exclusive status, it wasn’t at all crowded. To get inside you had to be in the list and so that functioned as a powerful filter of people. I mean, there were more people outside fighting and shouting at the bouncers than here. By just walking round a bit, you could easily tell that it was a fairly new club- mainly due to the fact that both the dancefloor and couches didn’t have yet that awful stickyslashdirty feeling to them. There was, though, a general air of luxury and richness in the room that rather repulsed me but hey, it can’t be perfect. I too very much liked the fact that the lights weren’t aggressive and that the music wasn’t deafening loud.

But the excesses.

There were kind of incognito waiters offering you coke and ecstasy all the bloody time.

“Don’t mix it with booze guys, that’s dangerous and we ain’t fancy having a dead body here, understood?” This stout bronzed man warned the four of us as he handed the mysterious little bags to Matt.

“I’ll pass” I announced as they headed for a table, presumably to draw the lines.

“Sure, have fun mate” Matt chuckled, Jamie and Nick echoing his laughther, before walking away.

Well that was strange.

I turned on my heels with the intention to go and sit on a stool, by the bar, and maybe jot something down- my little notebook and pen safe in my jeans’ back pocket. However, I couldn’t do as much as take a step forward because a long-haired blonde bird wearing a dazzling silver dress blocked my way.

“Hi” She giggled in a surprisingly deep voice for such a twiggy frame. “I’m Cara”

“ ’i, umm I’m Alex. ”

“Ye fancy a drenk, Alex?” She asked, playfully attempting to imitate my accent. This Cara girl had very expressive blue eyes that seemed just aboutto pop out of their sockets as she looked at me intently. There was, though, an overall friendly vibe to her so I accepted.

Yes a girl invited me a drink.

Prejudices are bad. I’d guessed by her peculiar gait and height that she was in fact a model and, consequently, I surely was going to end trapped in the an awkward position of having to excuse myself promptly and do my best to run away from an obnoxious bitch like Alexa.

I was wrong though.

Awfully wrong indeed.

Cara was amazing. She had a very laid back attitude and so didn’t seem to mind I stammered practically all the time and on average took twice the time she did to answer simple get-to-know questions. This bird was remarkably pretty too, but in a natural sort of way, like she embraced her beauty yet wasn’t showing off like most people here. Feeling comfortable around her came, to my surprise, naturally as she joked nonchalantly about her model peers–yeah she’s a model indeed: Cara Delevigne-  and made funny faces every thirty seconds or so. Her hand intermittently rested on my shoulder for some periods of time as I spoke, but if anything, I believe she did it so that she could come closer and hear better what I was saying - that was as far as contact between us went. We chatted a lot about music, fashion, England, the queen and even tennis. She was just starting to tell me her very interesting opinions on feminism when a group of stumbling girls approached her and, shouting something in a frenzy, pulled at Cara’s arm, urging her to go somewhere.

“Wait, you desperate drunk bitches. I’ll go in a moment.” She waved them off and looked at me again.

“You wait here. I’ve got someone to introduce to you.” She smiled broadly with those childish teeth of hers before springing away.

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