Notice (Q+A)

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Hi there, I'm back on MFA and actually have an update this time!

But before I get to that, let me say that I'm real sorry for not updating this book as often as I used to. And I know y'all are wondering what I've been up to lately.

Well, I've been working on all of my old Wattpad stories! 

And that's because...

My Fallen Angel is no longer only my project.

I don't mean that MFA is being discontinued, as I love this story, but rather that I'm no longer the only author; My friends Aris and Maya are now helping me with the story. The C-Crew might occasionally help as well, but that's only if they want to and can put up with my indecisive and easily distracted nature.

Now I know some questions are going to come up in the comments, so I'll just answer them in a little bit of a, Q&A.

Roll the first question!

What about MFA is going to change?

VERY little. I'm only revamping the description, cover, and prologue.

Will My Fallen Angel stay on this account?

Yes! I may be getting other people to help with My Fallen, but it'll always be MY story.

Why is the story being changed again?

Well, there are two reasons. The first being that there are so many stories I want to work on that have nothing to do with My Fallen Angel! They're all from different fandoms and some even include personal OC's of mine!

And there's one that I especially want to work on, and have been since I basically created this account, March 13th of 2020.

The second reason is that I want to revise my account and go back to the first username ever seen on this page, which was TheFriendshipMaster! I was really into MLP and magic when I started, and now I feel like it's time to go back.

Will you make any edits for this story?

Yes, I already have two made! The picture of Jake and Milly hugging in the prologue and when Angel Milly discovers the guitar for the first time.

How far in the story have you gotten?

Far enough to where most things I can say would be a spoiler.  But what I CAN say is that My Fallen will have a sequel.

Well that's about it for today, thanks so much for putting up my inconsistency, and you will all see me in Sunday's video. This has been TheFantasyWarrior, authentically, you know it, in the flesh, and I'll see you all in a few days. 

( @ChloeIsNotChloe @iiNotNathanXD @MidEvil_ZalexX )

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