《Chapter Three》Continuing The Story

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Third Person

As Hailey continued to read, she was only met with more surprises.

" Soon after stealing the scroll, the devil went to his leader, demanding to rule the section of hell he believed he belonged in.

He knew there wasn't a chance the leader would deny once he saw the scroll.

And he was proven correct that very day.

The devil ruler gave him the section of hell he desired and could only hope his former subject wouldn't tell anyone about the information hidden in the scroll... "

Hailey closed the book and placed it on the table, a surprised look on her face.

" Damn that's a lot to take in. " She said jokingly, " But the war might be the reason why the angels are here on Earth now. "

" Indeed it is, but these angels still need my help. " Elliot spoke up. " Would you three mind giving me a little space? "

Daisy and Hailey nodded.

Luke however stepped closer to Elliot and placed his hand on his shoulder. " That's not a problem Eli, but are you sure you don't want our help? " He asked in a concerned matter.

Elliot laughed gently. " No, not at all. My medical training wasn't the most advanced, but my brother Samuel is a doctor and has taught me all sorts of things! I'll be fine. "

" If you're sure, "

" Positive Luke. If I need your help I'll call you. "

The golden-eyed boy nodded before turning back to Hail and Dais and heading out the room.

Daisy's Perspective

Elliot had eventually been able to treat the four angels. And once he was done, he told us we could see them soon.

Samuel had always told him to never let a visitor into the room while the patient was still sensitive, and according to what Eli had said to us, the four were still sensitive.

So me, Hailey, and Luke were sitting in the living room, discussing what we should watch or do while E was busy.

" Hey, we never finished Somebody To You, did we? " Hailey asked me and Luke with a grin.

Luke nodded, and knowing what Hailey was hinting at, I did too.

" I used to ride around
I didn't wanna settle down

But now I wake each day,
Looking for a way that I can see your face ( Yeah, you! )

I've got your photograph,
But baby, I need more than that

I need to know your lips,
Nothing ever mattered to me more than this ( Yeah, you! ) "

Luke's Perspective

Eventually, three days had passed. And like I had expected, Elliot soon needed our help. But I didn't mind it.

We knew now that we couldn't send them to a hospital, them being angels and all, so Eli had a lot on his plate.

But thankfully, the treatment the four required decreased over the days.

But that didn't mean we weren't still waiting for the day at least one of the angels woke up.

And so, sitting next to the angel with dark and cloudy purple hair, I began looking for any signs of consciousness; Such as movement or simple gestures.

" Give me a sign, please. " I muttered, not knowing or caring if he could hear me. " Any sign... "

I placed my hand on his as I waited for any kind of response.

When nothing changed, I tried to pull my hand back.

Only to notice that his hand was now holding mine.

" Oh my God, Elliot! " I yelled, his grip on mine tightening. " Come into the room, now! "

Doing as I said, Elliot dashed into the room I was sitting in. He was panting, but his voice was calm when he spoke to me. " I'm here, Luke. What's going on? "

" Here. "
I raised our hands, and Elliot gasped.

" He's waking up! "

My Fallen Angel || Lander, Milliot, Jailey, and Dean || On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now