《Chapter Four》Periwinkle Eyes

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" W-where am I..? "

That was all I could think as I stared into the darkness around me. But how could I see? My eyes were closed. It's like when Jake wrapped his wing around my eyes once when we were in 6th grade. I could see, but I couldn't at the same time.

I tried to move, but my body felt so heavy. I tried lifting my hand, but this one felt even heavier if that was even possible.

" Give me a sign, please. Any sign. "

Who is that? Are they why my hand is so heavy, and why that warm feeling is there?

Well, Alexander, there's only one way to find out.

With every bit of strength I could muster, which honestly wasn't much, I squeezed whatever my hand was holding. The warm feeling grew once I did.

" ...Elliot! Come into the room now! "

Despite the sudden yell, I didn't pull my hand back. Even if I could, I still wouldn't have.

" He's waking up! "


Right after the person that wasn't holding my hand said that, a bright yellow and blue light filled my eyes.

Where am I..?

Third Person

Careful with his movements, Luke slowly helped the angel - who had said his name was Alexander - sit up. The golden-eyed male had just finished explaining to him where he was.

Zander was more than surprised to hear that he was in a group of humans' home. His own realm was the only one he had ever raised a wing in.

" Why'd you decide to bring me to your home? " He had asked

" Because, me and my friends are all about helping others. " Luke had replied, smiling gently.

And all day, that one quote stuck with Alexander. He hadn't ever heard anyone except his friend group say anything of the sort. Hearing a human say that was incredibly strange to him.

But the periwinkle-eyed angel knew Luke wasn't lying to him. Being an angel, he could easily tell the difference between a lie and a truth.

But before he could continue his and Alexander's talk, Elliot informed Luke that he needed to run a few tests on Alexander. Ones he needed to of course. Such as memory and physical ones.

" Will they take long? "

Elliot laughed, " He remembers his name, so I expect for the memory to take a shorter time than the physical. And Samuel has told me to never perform hour-long tests on patients who have just woken up, Lucas. "

And so, Luke stood up from Alexander's side. As he left, his butterscotch eyes met the bright periwinkle ones as he gave the angel his usual soft smile before heading downstairs.

My Fallen Angel || Lander, Milliot, Jailey, and Dean || On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now