《Chapter Two》The Sky Blue Book

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Third Person

As the distance between Elliot's house and the group of eight grew shorter, Hailey, Luke, and Daisy began to worry more.

None of the unconscious four woke up, they had all remained unconscious.

Hell, had it not been for the feeling of the boy on Hailey's back's slow heartbeat, she would've assumed he was dead.

Elliot, noticing his friends' worried expressions, turned to face them while reaching for his cellphone. Once it was in his hand, he opened his music player and clicked on a song he and his friends had loved listening to.

Hailey's Perspective

" Yeah, you! Yeah, you! I used to wanna be "

I looked up at Daisy, then at Luke. When I saw that neither had their phone out, I knew it was Elliot playing it. He always knew when it was the best time to play Somebody To You.

" Living like there's only me, but now I spend my time
Thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind (Yeah, you!) "

" Hey Hails, do you wanna sing along? "

I felt my face heat up slightly before I let a small smile form on my face. " But guys, but I'm not that good. "

" Please Hails? We haven't heard you sing in forever~ "

" I used to be so tough
Never really gave enough

And then you caught my eye
Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike (Yeah, you!) "

I sighed, looking at my three friends who all shared a smile.

" Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering

This ground I'm on, it keeps shaking

Oh, oh, oh, now! "

" Alright. Just for you guys. "

When I said that, I could see Daisy and Luke's faces light up. And based on Eli's smile, I could tell that was his end goal.

" All I wanna be, yeah, all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah, is somebody to you!

All I wanna be, yeah, all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah, is somebody to you! "

Once I finished that line, E turned up the volume on his phone, but the surprising part was that he and Daisy also started singing along.

" Everybody's tryna be a billionaire "

And so did Luke.

" But every time I look at you, I just don't care!

'Cause all I wanna be, yeah, all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah, is somebody to you (Yeah, you!) "

Third Person

Once the group of four had finished singing, they all began laughing. Music and singing had always made them feel better, which is why Luke and Hailey were thinking about starting a music club at their school.

But even though they felt better, one question kept phasing through Hailey's head, one that she couldn't wrap her head around.

Where did the four of them come from..?


Hailey's thoughts were soon cut off by Elliot's voice. " We're here. "

And instantly, Daisy, Luke, and Hailey all tensed up again.

Still, no signs of consciousness.

Elliot's Perspective

I could sense how tense my friends were because I was feeling the same way.

Quickly, I unlocked the door to my house. And once leading them upstairs, I opened the guest bedroom door and showed them the two different beds.

" Hails lay him on this bed. " I gestured to the bed closest to her, figuring that the smaller bed would be better for him and the girl in my arms. " I'll put her next to him. It's clear that they are very close; we shouldn't separate them again. "

I turned to Dais and Luke. " You two can put both of them on this other bed. Then I'll start treating them. "

My three friends all nodded and did as I told them to.

I picked up the first-aid kit that I kept under the larger bed, and pulled out a healing remedy.

I created the remedy myself, and tried it out several times; ( Especially on Luke. He's always been a bit clumsy ) And have been told it works wonders.

" Who will you treat first, Elliot? " Luke spoke up as I opened the remedy jar.

" The boy Hailey was carrying. We found him on his back, meaning he landed on it. Which could result in a head injury or a possible concussion. In this case, most likely a concussion and memory loss. "

I placed my hand under the male's back, then gently turned him to lay on his side.

That's when I noticed. On the male's back, were the wings of an angel.

Third Person

Hearing Elliot's loud gasp, Daisy immediately asked what was wrong. E couldn't answer, but when Daisy saw what Elliot did, her pale blue eyes widened in shock.

" T-That's impossible... " She muttered " A-angels are said to have disappeared over a century ago! Seeing one now is unheard of! "

" But, that would mean.. " Hailey trailed off as realization struck. " That means the other three are angels too. "

" How did we miss this? Elliot and Luke were carrying the two in their arms - Surely they would've seen or felt something! "

" How exactly are we sure we're not all crazy and imagining this..? "

" Hold the microphone! " Hailey suddenly yelled, silencing the others. " Dais, do you still have the book about the three fallen angels? With that, we might be able to find something that could help us. "

" I'm still ruling for the 'We're Crazy' idea... " A nervous Luke muttered.

The white-haired girl reached into her bag, pulling out a book and handing it to the bluenette. " Good idea, Hailey. "

The book was bound by a leather cover, and wore several white and sky blue patterns around the edges.

The title of the book was ' The Fallen Angels'

Hailey's Perspective

I quickly flipped through the pages of the book, my dark eyes never once leaving the pages.

And after minutes of looking through the pages, I found exactly what I was looking for.

" Among Heaven, it was known that a battle between the angels and devils had taken place thousands of years before.

But despite it being so well known, the queen of heaven refused to give any details about the battle, saying that if a devil found out, the war would only continue.

Little did she know, the demon ruler had a record of everything that had taken place that fateful day.

But not even the demon could expect that one day, his own subject would steal the scroll. Soon reeking havoc on both worlds. "

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