《Chapter One》Discovery

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Third Person

" Wow, these cookies are delightful, Elliot! You really outdid yourself! "

The pink-haired boy, Elliot, blushed at his white-haired friend's compliment.
" It was no problem, Daisy. " He said, the smile on his face being a mix of shyness and pride.

" I agree with Daisy. You cook wonderfully. " Luke, the brunette of the group, claimed.

" Seeing my friends happy is more than enough to make me happy. " Elliot brushed back a strand of his candy pink hair, a sign of nervousness in some cases, gratitude in others.

And the group knew it was gratitude in this case.

Yet before the bluenette among the four could say what she thought,

A loud crash was heard.

The sound was so loud, that the Earth seemed to shake. Due to this, the four jumped back in a flurry of both shock and fear.

" W-what was that? " Luke asked, concern etched in his voice.

" F-From what I-I can tell, " Elliot stammered " The f-force of what fell h-had to be that of three boulders. Each weighing about o-one-hundred pounds... "

Just as Elliot trailed off, Hailey spoke up.

" We should see what happened! " She said, worry in her voice as well, " But first, we have to call an ambulance. "

The other three agreed, and after Luke helped Elliot and Daisy stand, they all darted to the location of the noise.

Once present at the scene, the group was startled by the sight that greeted them.

Several unmoving bodies laid on the ground. With each body covered in several injuries.

" Oh my... " Daisy gasped, her voice barely hovering above a whisper " We have to call an ambulance! "

" B-But what if they don't make it in time..? " Luke exclaimed in fear " They could...die! "

" W-Well I have almost a year's worth of medical t-training. " Elliot informed the three " I-I might be able to do something... At least until an ambulance arrives. "

" Okay, let's bring them back to Elliot's manor. He can treat them. What's left is just us hoping that they all wake before that happens... " Hailey said quickly

As fast as they could, Luke, Elliot, Hailey, and Daisy split up, then ran to assist one of the several unconscious people.

Hailey ran to an unconscious orange-haired male, then gasped again once she saw the injuries covering his body;
His face wore several scratches and all kinds of different marks, one of the sleeves to his snowy white suit was torn off completely, only revealing several more bruises and scars.

Hail inched closer to the guy and picked up a napkin from the picnic, then wiped away the dirt and blood covering his face.

Only then did she take notice of the pink-haired girl in his arms.

" Oh no... " She muttered, her black eyes wide. " Elliot! I need your help, please! "

Elli stood up, then ran over to Hailey, and his warm brown eyes widened when they set place on the two. " My mages, " He whispered, turning to his bluenette friend.

 " We have to separate them, in order to examine them. I wish we didn't have to, but we must. "

Hailey nodded in an understanding matter, and watched with concern as Elliot picked up the girl, before running back to help Daisy.

She then turned back to the male, and though panicked, Hailey used a calm voice when speaking to him.

" Everything will be okay, I promise... "

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