4) dorcas meadowes

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bio: be nice. bitch.

@dork: kiss me?

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@dork: kiss me?

689 likes, 80 comments

@mcmeme: do i want to be you or date you?
@lilyflower: oh my gosh u are stunning
@plantgirl: you're really gonna give us this FOR FREE?? my eyes have been blessed
@moonboy: you are so pretty
@dromeda: girl ur gorgeous

@lilyflower: oh my gosh u are stunning@plantgirl: you're really gonna give us this FOR FREE?? my eyes have been blessed@moonboy: you are so pretty@dromeda: girl ur gorgeous

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@dork: do you listen to jojo siwa?

631 likes, 26 comments

@rusirius: leather jackets are my thing tf
               @mcmeme: jealous she's more punk        than you?
              @rusirius: NO ONE IS MORE PUNK THAN ME 😡😡😡😡
@plantgirl: ur fashion sense is everything
@lilyflower: borrowing ur docs brb

@rusirius: leather jackets are my thing tf               → @mcmeme: jealous she's more punk        than you?              → @rusirius: NO ONE IS MORE PUNK THAN ME 😡😡😡😡@plantgirl: ur fashion sense is everything@lilyflower: borrowing ur docs brb

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@dork: blood purity is a form of racism.

702 likes, 59 comments

@marymoo: blackness is beautiful
@lilyflower: black lives matter.
@pureslytherin: no, all lives matter
@dork: all lives aren't systematically oppressed by a society built to protect and benefit white people. if the only time u talk about lives mattering is to silence black experiences, you don't actually care about any lives. check ur privilege, no one is saying other races don't matter, we are bringing up the racism and oppression faced by black people because black. lives. matter.
@rusirius: all lives can't matter until black lives do
@plantboy: no justice, no peace
@moonboy: BLM ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼

@rusirius: all lives can't matter until black lives do@plantboy: no justice, no peace@moonboy: BLM ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼

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@dork: you make me feel infinite

713 likes, 90 comments

@lilyflower: you are honestly flawless
@marymoo: God rlly has favourites, huh?
@mcmeme: marry me
@plantgirl: GIRL U ARE PERFECT
@rusirius: HOT
@fancyvancy: literally a model

@lilyflower: you are honestly flawless@marymoo: God rlly has favourites, huh?@mcmeme: marry me@plantgirl: GIRL U ARE PERFECT@rusirius: HOT@fancyvancy: literally a model

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@dork: what if we,,,shared an ice cream and kissed by the seaside

689 likes, 37 comments

@lilyflower: wonder who u wanna kiss...
@cheeselover: sirius? all the girls seem to like sirius
                 @dork: EW, pls i have taste
                  @rusirius: HEY!
@mcmeme: bet
@plantgirl: ur fashion sense >>>


author's note: hey guys, thank u so much to for reggiebrens pointing out the dorcas is canonically black (even tho for some reason in the order of the phoenix photo she's white ???). it's important to recognise the flaws within the harry potter universe, including the many instances of racism. i do not support JK in the slightest, she is transphobic  & racist & perpetuates harmful stereotypes in her work. because of this, i think we as the fandom have full control over the hp universe, so we can decide what's canon, and we can include more diversity. if ur reading this fic, you probably headcanon gay ships, which in my opinion, are canon. i believe u can love something whilst recognising its flaws, which, in the harry potter fandom, is the lack of diversity and representation.

i'm so sorry if u keep getting notifs saying i'm updating, but i have decided to go through the fic & diversify it so bear with me! although this is a predominantly lighthearted fic, i do want to include some relevant & current messages in the world because activism is important to me.

i hope everybody is well, i love & appreciate all of u & it means so much to me that people read & comment on this silly little fic. you are all amazing people & u deserve all the love & support & kindness in the world. you. are. worthy. look after urselves & remember you're not alone. <3

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