18) dumbasses

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starboy: dear mother, fuck you x

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starboy: dear mother, fuck you x

2,673 likes, 51 comments

moonboy: how charming
kingprongs: as ur mother i take that caption personally and i expect an apology by noon.
             starboy: my other mother darling
lilyflower: felt that
r.black: it's ok siri, i mean sure you'll never be as good looking or smart or talented as me but someone had to be the ugly sibling <3
              starboy: bitch please

black: it's ok siri, i mean sure you'll never be as good looking or smart or talented as me but someone had to be the ugly sibling <3               → starboy: bitch please

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moonboy: who'd have thought i'd actually make friends !!

109 likes, 28 comments

kingprongs: aw baby, we needed a smart friend & u were the only applicant
             moonboy: that's homophobic
cheeselover: me too, still waiting to everyone say them liking me was just a prank
moonboy: if it's a prank they're fooling both of us
starboy: i love u too moons
mcmeme: that's gay
lilyflower: love u SO MUCH hun
moonboy: SO MUCH !!
dork: wonder who this is aimed at...

kingprongs: aw baby, we needed a smart friend & u were the only applicant             → moonboy: that's homophobiccheeselover: me too, still waiting to everyone say them liking me was just a prank             → moonboy: if it's a prank they're  fo...

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kingprongs: adventure time

1,835 likes, 31 comments

lilyflower: why are u like this
moonboy: it's all the methamphetamine
starboy: le monke
cheeselover: when tf did this happen, huh?
kingprongs: u were asleep
mcmeme: seems legal

lilyflower: why are u like thismoonboy: it's all the methamphetamine starboy: le monkecheeselover: when tf did this happen, huh?                → kingprongs: u were asleepmcmeme: seems legal

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starboy: we think he was trying to drown himself

3,547 likes, 44 comments

moonboy: thank fuck he's gone
kingprongs: crying brb
lilyflower: about time too
kingprongs: babe >:(
mcmeme: mm m o i s t
kingprongs: yo what the FUCK
cheeselover: is he...naked??

cheeselover: no running beside the pool

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cheeselover: no running beside the pool

85 likes, 8 comments

kingprongs: elegant ✨✨
             mcmeme: as a gazelle
             kingprongs: i was thinking more like a stag
            mcmeme: i don't see it
moonboy: morons
starboy: we are just so sexy


changed the format because life needs some zest sometimes. how are u guys surviving in isolation? i'm so sick of work at this point ahhh

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