21) make me

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by 5pm the entire gryffindor common room was covered in glitter. sirius had assured james this would 'create the right atmosphere', but the unpleasant sensation of having sparkles up between his cheeks had rather changed his outlook. besides, the spell had gone wrong, the glitter was supposed to gracefully coat the room and remain suspended in the air, but instead one large, thick clump had shot out the end of sirius's wand, exploding right onto a group of first years, who had the misfortune of being in the 'spray-zone'.

on the plus side, this has cleared out the younger years and now the room was entirely empty, save for alice fortescue's cat, ready for 'party prep'. lily had had the clever idea of performing a silencing charm on the common room, which she claimed was to let the younger years do their homework in peace. james thought it would be more useful in preventing an angry head of year from storming in and allocating detentions to drunk sixth years, but he kept his mouth shut incase she revoked his kissing rights.

upstairs in the boys' dorm, sirius and james were discussing how they each wanted the party to turn out. for james, it was to hopefully get lily to relax a bit and possibly kiss him 'a little', which sirius knew was code for 'until our lips are chapped and we have to go to lunch', while sirius was more intent on getting remus's affection back. he didn't understand what he'd done wrong, and as remus was yet to give him an opportunity to find out, he had decided to corner him at the party. peter, on the other hand, just wanted to procrastinate his herbology homework and eat as much party food as he could possibly manage. it was unclear what remus hoped to achieve, as he was yet to return to the dorm, choosing to study with lily instead.

"you did get enough firewhisky, right sirius?"

sirius rolled his eyes. "are you doubting my ability to obtain alcohol?"

"of course not!" james retorted, face poised in fake-shock "just your ability to do basic math...i know how hard counting can be for a simple-minded bloke like you."

"that's rich coming from mr "i believe the word you're looking for is 'masturbation' professor flitwick""

"i was twelve!! and mastication sounds just like it! can you bloody let it go already?!"

sirius sat in silence thoughtfully for a few moments, before promptly turning to his mate and grinning "nope!"

"just you wait sirius potter-black, i'll make you spill all your dirty secrets during truth or dare and then you'll be sorry."

"good idea!...well not about making me spill my secrets, obviously, but playing truth or dare. we should make a list of games before things get too chaotic. pete, any ideas?"

"uh, pie eating contest?"

sirius stared blankly at his podgy little friend, as if contemplating the very meaning of his existence.

"...james any ideas?"

"alright let's see. you've got your classic never have i ever, of course, and then there's spin the bottle, we could do karaoke, although i'm not sure any of us can sing, and round up the evening with firewhisky pong?"

"damn son, you sure know how to plan a rave!"

"what can i say? my endless talent expresses itself in many ways." james winked, as sirius tackled him and they began sprawling on the floor, jokingly threatening each other whilst they pretended to be in pain, neither one willing to admit defeat.


it was in this position that remus found them when he returned from the library. he paused, eyebrow raised. "do i even want to know?" he asked peter, who shrugged nonchalantly, and turned back to the task he had been working on for the last half an hour, transfiguring his water into butterbeer. as of yet, he was unsuccessful.

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