19) interbreeding

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prngz: he never cuddles me anymore 😔 #3rdwheel

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prngz: he never cuddles me anymore 😔 #3rdwheel

31 likes, 17 comments

mcmeme: fellas, is it gay to caress ur bro? asking for a friend
lilyflower: awww cuties
cheeselover: is that my bed??
dork: that's pretty gay ngl

mcmeme: fellas, is it gay to caress ur bro? asking for a friendlilyflower: awww cutiescheeselover: is that my bed??dork: that's pretty gay ngl

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cheeselover: so now it's a trend to expose my friends? cool

90 likes, 18 comments

moonboy: please delete this.
cheeselover: aw come on moons, it's just a silly post
           moonboy: i'm not kidding.
           cheeselover: okok, chill

*post deleted*


insta dms, 14:10

pads: hey, might sound stupid but,,are u ignoring me? feel like i haven't seen u lately

moony: why would you think that?

pads: come on moonz, it's me. what's up?

moony: just stress about the moon & stuff, it's nothing really don't worry.

pads: remus...

moony: promise. talk later.

*user  'moonboy' is offline


imessage, 14:15

madladpadz: he hates me

sexyboiprongz: who hates you?

madladpadz: who do you think?!!! remus!! he hates me and he thinks i'm hideously disfigured and i'm going to die alone!

sexyboiprongz: slip a little extra jolt of overdramatic juice into your coffee this morning?

madladpadz: be serious!! my life is over!

sexyboiprongz: thought it was ur job to be sirius ;)

madladpadz: i fucking hate you

sexyboiprongz: ok ok chill, why do u think he hates you?

madladpadz: did u see wormy's post? before he deleted it?

sexyboiprongz: u mean ur secret snuggles?

madladpadz: potter.

sexyboiprongz:  yes i saw, so what?

madladpadz: remus hated it

sexyboiprongz: wdym?

madladpadz: he realised he actually hates me and is ashamed of me and is disgusted he was ever that close to me and freaked out bc ppl saw it

sexyboiprongz: padfoot, calm down. i think ur reading too much into this

madladpadz: but what if i'm not

sexyboiprongz: talk to him

madladpadz: i tried!! he's avoiding me!!

sexyboiprongz: then maybe give him some space? idk pads, i think there's probably more to it than you're assuming, doubt it's ur fault at all. and he absolutely does not hate you, you're one of his best friends. he could never ever hate you, no matter what.

madladpadz: i guess. i don't like it when he's mad at me :/

sexyboiprongz: he's not mad at u. just sleep on it & talk to him tomoz, ok?

madladpadz: alright fine. ty for the help, limited tho it was

sexyboiprongz: i am just a WONDERFUL therapist am i not?

madladpadz: the best. wanna go to the kitchens & grab a snacc?

sexyboiprongz: sure thing chicken wing

madladpadz: i detest u

sexyboiprongz: lol see u there

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