20) let's just forget

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"hey prongs?"


"let's get fucking smashed."

@prngz: attention fellow gryffindors!! a party is being held tomorrow night at 6pm in the gryffindor common room

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@prngz: attention fellow gryffindors!! a party is being held tomorrow night at 6pm in the gryffindor common room. bring snacks & we'll provide the entertainment ;) do NOT tell prof minnie about this unless u want to wake up to sirius's balls on your head. hope to see y'all there it's gonna be a rave!!

45 likes, 18 comments

lilyflower: i'm sorry, what was that about sirius's balls ????
prngz: them's the rules, love

starboy: if i tell minnie do i have to do some kinda gymnast move to get my balls on my own head? asking for a friend
prngz: no, if u tell minnie, you'll wake up to WORMTAIL's squeaky nuts on ur face <3
cheeselover: my nuts are not squeaky!!
starboy: THAT'S the issue you have with that statement???

lilyflower: @moonboy, u gonna go?
moonboy: idk i have homework
starboy: aw, come on moons!! let loose!! have some fun! ur homework can wait 1 night. please? 🥺
moonboy: fine.


insta dms, 17:23

pads: mission accomplished

prongs: oh deer (hehe), what have u done now?

pads: moonz is coming to the party!!

prongs: cool. ur point?

pads: i can figure out why he's annoyed u dolt

prongs: planning to use his compromised drunk state to get him to spill his secrets?

pads: ...perhaps

prongs: simp

pads: just wait, after this he'll wanna be my friend again

prongs: well have fun being desperate. i, on the other hand, will be snogging the pants off my gorgeous gf

pads: u sound excited. is it finally lily's turn to do the pegging?

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insta dms, 17:51

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