16) bby lupin

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@moonboy: bibliophile <3

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@moonboy: bibliophile <3

90 likes, 20 comments

@cheeselover: what does that mean?
@starboy: it means you're too thick to understand that moons gets horny over books
@moonboy: how intellectual of you, sirius
@lilyflower: this is edgy as fuck
@mcmeme: don't get mad when u find ticks infesting ur flesh
@moonboy: that is...disgusting

@moonboy: have i reached peak softboy yet?

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@moonboy: have i reached peak softboy yet?

102 likes, 34 comments

@lilyflower: literal definition of 'im bby'
@dork: retro tings
@starboy: u should photograph me more >:(
@mcmeme: yeah,,,naked ;)
@moonboy: that's a hard pass i'm afraid
@starboy: i mean...i wouldn't say no
@moonboy: sirius!
@dork: you can cut the sexual tension with a knife
@cheeselover: try living with them 😩

i wouldn't say no@moonboy: sirius!@dork: you can cut the sexual tension with a knife@cheeselover: try living with them 😩

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@moonboy: even small things can be beautiful

82 likes, 17 comments

@kingprongs: like a condom 💗
@moonboy: no.
@starboy: like you've ever had to use a condom, wouldn't stay on ur micro-dick
@kingprongs: come on. you're just jealous because i won that measuring comp we did.
@lilyflower: please tell me you didn't compare penis sizes??
@kingprongs: ...ok but i won though
@starboy: he jinxed the measuring tape!!
@lilyflower: remus???
@moonboy: i didn't join in!!
@kingprongs: yeah. he just judged.
@lilyflower: you all disgust me.

 @lilyflower: you all disgust me

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@moonboy: my fucking roommates.

91 likes, 25 comments

@kingprongs: that's another one for the swear jar you naughty boy.
@moonboy: bite me
@kingprongs: kinky ;)
@cheeselover: i've never had to put any money in there #angelofthedorm
@starboy: the holy one of us all x
@moonboy: i'm gonna remove every single left sock you own in your sleep
@starboy: pettiness is not a good shade on you
@moonboy: neither is the stench of smoke on you yet here we are
@kingprongs: woah. catfight.



hey y'all i'm updating bc i got one (1) comment telling me to & i'm not about to be a little bitch & refuse them. re-reading this 'fic' (can u even call it that??) has made me realise how much i do not like it lmao. the writing is bad & it doesn't really have a purpose, so would you guys be willing to read a more like fic-style story i'll write ab the marauders, probs wolfstar? anyway let me know & i hope y'all are well :) x

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