15) spam accounts/memes

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@rusirius: jesus shrek welcomes you to the cult

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@rusirius: jesus shrek welcomes you to the cult

36 likes, 12 comments

@lilyflower: i'm scared can i leave?
@rusirius: @lilyflower no
@kingprongs: daddy
@moonboy: i did not sign up for this
@mcmeme: ty jesus shrek xx
@dork: get me a man like this
@rusirius: @dork ur gay, get me a man like this


@prngz: mood after seeing sirius naked in the shower oop-

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@prngz: mood after seeing sirius naked in the shower oop-

22 likes, 15 comments

@moonboy: hey what the fuCk
@rusirius: bitch please, you should he HONOURED to see me naked i am magnificent
@prngz: ladies & gents, i can confirm that he is NOT
@mcmeme: ever heard of locking the door?
@rusirius: ...smart


@roadworkahead: sup crackheads, it's ur leader + lover, marlz the man

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@roadworkahead: sup crackheads, it's ur leader + lover, marlz the man. in this episode of jeremy kyle i'll be discussing why the fuck james fleamont potter thought it'd be ok to put ginger dye in my shampoo.

43 likes, 10 comments

@moonboy: stab him
@prngz: woahhh m8, bit far ?? @moonboy
@roadworkahead: no, he's right. i need to stab you @prngz
@dork: bahaha she's gonna kill you @prngz
@lilyflower: what's wrong with being ginger >:(


@dorksquared: new look who dis¿

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@dorksquared: new look who dis¿

33 likes, 8 comments

@roadworkahead: i think motomoto likes you ;)
@plantgirl: woah! love this! looking v hot 😂
@lilyflower: drop your skincare routine? 😍
@prngz: are we just gonna ignore the fact u changed genders?
@cheeselover: thor during endgame be like
@moonboy: all my friends are on crack i stg


@moonboy: me trying to leave the meth addict friends i've become mixed up in

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@moonboy: me trying to leave the meth addict friends i've become mixed up in

103 likes, 20 comments

@dork: wbk sis
@starboy: heyyyy, you love us (ò_óˇ)
@fancyvancy: i tried, they caught me + lured me back (run while you still can !!)
@prngz: bitch we're fabulous



author's note: oop totally forgot this existed, but that's ok bc no one reads it anyway lmfao. here's an update anyway :))

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