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^^this picture is my life now ok

Emily's POV

Harry went home soon after that. He said he had something to do but I think he just might have been embarrassed.

I stayed there for a while in the silence. Is this what my house will be like now because my mom is gone? If only she told me where she went.

I stood up and realized that Harry left his phone on the bench. I picked it up and clicked the home button, curious about his lock screen. Call it nosy, but I feel like a lock screen shows you what a person is like.

I saw a picture of him with a girl about our age. She didn't look anything like him, they couldn't have been related. And she was smiling at the camera and he was looking at her. But it was the way he was looking at her that bothered me.

"Why would he try to kiss me if there's someone else?" I whispered to myself.

When I was halfway back to his house, Harry was already there, on his way back.

"Thanks." He said, taking it from me, his hand brushing mine. He glanced up at me, probably wondering if I saw the picture. I pretended I didn't because I was hoping it was just a mistake.

"Um, I'll see you later?" I said awkwardly.

"Do you want to come over? I mean uh, with you being alone with your dad and everything." He said, nervousness filling his voice which I thought was cute.

"Sure." I smiled.

He looked like he had a sudden realization and then said, "Can you come over in a half an hour? I have to drop something off at my moms house."

"Yeah that's fine." I smiled, then walked home. I wanted to do a little celebratory fist pump but I didn't because I knew he was still there.

I got into my house and my dad was gone. I considered calling Harry and telling him that I was fine staying at home, but I decided to keep the fact that my dad was gone to myself.

I fixed my makeup and curled my hair so that I looked nicer. I sprayed perfume to make sure I didn't smell weird, and then I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash, you know, just in case. I changed into identical shorts that were a little shorter, I was feeling confident around him now.

It was 40 minutes later so I was a little late which I was fine with. If I was right on time, I would look desperate. Plus making him wait a little longer is never a bad thing.

I walked to his house because I was tired of riding my bike, and it was a short distance.

I got there and I knocked on the door. He opened almost right away and smiled at me, then opened the door wider so I could come in.

I looked around at the big house. "You live here by yourself?" I asked.

"Uh yeah. It used to be my moms but she let me live here and she got a new house." He said, leading me to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"No I'm good, thanks." I said.

"So do you go to school?" I asked him.

"No I never did senior year. I graduated early and then never got around to going to college." He explained and I nodded, "I feel like we barely no each other." He said, and then sat on a stool and I sat across from him.

"20 questions, you go first." I said, smiling.

"Shit I'm bad at this." He said, laughing.

"Come on, there's nothing that you want to know about me?" I asked.

"Is your hair naturally that color?" He asked.

"Harry it's not even blonde why would I dye it brown?" I asked.

"I think it's beautiful." He said, smiling. I blushed slightly, because I've always hated my hair color.

"My turn, Do you go to school and how old are you?" I asked him.

"18 and I graduated early."

"Are you a virgin?" He asked.

"Wow I thought you would save that one for 20." I said, smirking, "And no I'm not." I said.


"Why so surprised?" I asked.

"You seem innocent." He said.

"Yeah and easily pressured." I mumbled, "Favorite quality in a girl?" I asked him, smirking again.

"She can play basketball." He said, smiling. I started laughing and he joined in, "And girls that are clumsy and trip over my feet."

"Favorite quality in a guy?" He asked me.

"Don't steal my questions." I said, afraid of answering.

"Just answer." He said, kicking my foot under the kitchen island.

"Um, either green eyes or being able to listen to my problems." I said, smiling.

"That wasn't as funny as my answer."

"Well it's the truth." I remarked.

Our questions continued for the next 10 minutes. "Okay, your turn. Your 20th question." He said.

"Who is on your lock screen?" I said without hesitation, pointing to his phone.

His face dropped in panic. "Harry do you have a girlfriend or not?" I asked him quietly.

"That's two questions." He said.

"Well stop avoiding the first one." I said.

"She's my ex girlfriend, I never got around to changing it." He mumbled, then motioned me over to him.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm going to change it right now, take a picture with me." He said, and it brought a smiled to my face.


Next part will be really cute, I promise.

150 reads again for the next chapter!!


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