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Don't forget to read chapter ten!! I think some people missed it and it's important!!

Emily's POV

I woke up the next morning to my alarm. The first day of school...should I be excited or not?

I was excited to get out of the house before I met so many people. I met Niall, Liam and Harry, and now with school I won't see Harry much anymore.

Hannah said that the other two still go to school with us, and she was surprised when I told her that Harry graduated early, because she didn't remember seeing him at her brothers graduation ceremony. I told her that she probably just wasn't paying attention, the usual.

I got up and put some black high waisted shorts on, and a pink crop top. According to school rules, crop tops aren't allowed, so I just wear high waisted shorts to cover the skin. I brushed my teeth and did my hair and makeup. I ate a little bit of breakfast but got on my bike soon, not wanting to be late on my first day of senior year.

The bike ride is actually really short, luckily. Because in the winter, if it was long, it would be brutal.

I tied my bike into the bike stand in front of the school and picked up my bag before walking in.

"Em!" I heard Hannah call once I opened my locker. I turned around to see Niall holding her hand and Liam picking up his pace to get to me first.

"Good morning." He said perkily, kissing my cheek.

"Hey Liam." I smiled, then stuffed my bag in my locker.

"I can bring you home after school so you don't have to ride your bike." He offered.

"Thanks so much, but then I would have to leave it here-"

"It's fine, my trunk is big enough for it." He cut me off, grinning at me.

"Okay then. Thank you." I smiled back.

"And I pass your street every morning. I can bring you to school and back everyday." He said.

"Thanks Liam but that's a lot to ask for." I said feeling guilty because I didn't have anything to offer to him.

"It's fine, you get a ride home and I get to spend time with you! So we are even!" He said, his smile growing wider.

I almost "aw'd" at how cute that sounded, but instead I said "Thank you" Again and pecked him on the lips.

The bell rang and he squeezed my hand before running to class, Niall and Hannah going also. I walked to mine, and luckily I didn't get lost in the huge campus. Even though I've been here for four years now, I'm still so directionally challenged that I have trouble knowing where I am going.

The rest of the day went like this, me using the map so much that some people thought I was a freshman.

The day finally ended and I walked out of the school while holding Liam's hand.

"So how was your first day?" He asked me.

"Confusing. I still don't know my way around this maze." I complained.

"It's like a circle. It's so simple." He laughed at me.

"But all of the hallways are like identical! How am I supposed to remember where anything is!" I said, causing him to giggle at me.

"Aw! You just giggled!" I said, changing the subject to teasing him.

"Shut up, you do it all of the time." He mumbled, elbowing me a little, but not letting go of my hand.

We finally got to his car and I put my bike into his trunk, which did in fact fit nicely.

I got in the passenger seat and he got in the drivers seat. "You know I got a lot of people telling me we looked cute together, today." Liam said as he pulled out of the lot.

"Aw, really?" I said, smiling at him. His gaze was on the rode but he still smiled.

"Yeah but I think it's because everyone thinks that you're cute." He said.

"Hah, good one." I said, looking out of the window. We were already pulling onto my street. When we pulled into my driveway, he leaned across the center console and kissed me quickly.

"I can help you with your bike." He offered.

"No it's fine, I've got it." I said smiling.

"Okay I'll pick you up at 7:40 tomorrow morning?" He said.

I guess my face looked guilty because he said, "Come on Em, it's really no trouble."

"Fine. But next time we go on a date I am paying because I feel bad." I shut the door and opened the trunk, pulling out my bike.

"But I'm the guy!" He yelled from the front.

"So? Girls have money too, you know." I said.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled, "Fine, one date."

"Yay, see you tomorrow." I grinned, shutting the trunk before he could say anything else.

I put my bike in the garage and then walked inside. My dad was at work and my mom was still not to be seen.

I had no homework since it was only the first day, so I changed into some comfy clothes and decided to spend the rest of my day watching Netflix.

Okay I kind of ship Lemily a tiny bit now because that chapter was so cute aw. Comment who you ship! Should I put more Niall and Hannah stuff in?


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