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AHAHAH this is so fetus but there are no edits of Shailene and Liam together :(

So I got 150 reads on the last chapter so here's the next one. How about 200 on this one before 10?

Lots of drama in this one. Enjoy!!

Emily's POV

I went upstairs, disappointment slowing me down. When I got to my room I felt like crying, but I didn't because I knew that would be stupid of me. I mean, I just met him and he didn't even say that he wanted to call today a date.

Maybe I was wrong about him flirting with me. Maybe I should just try to be friends because that's obviously what he wants. Liam wants more, but I don't know if I want that with him. I want that with Harry, and it's very clear to me now.

I decided to sleep on it and then decide what to do in the morning. Maybe I should give Liam another chance.

I woke up the next morning and decided what I should do.

I've been throwing myself all over Harry. Maybe if I backed off, he would want to be more than friends.

Maybe if I dated Liam, he would realize.

I realized that I would be using him if I did that, and I felt bad. But then again, what if I go on a few dates with him and realize that I liked him?

I blocked out all of the negative thoughts about my plan and I texted him.

To Liam:

Hey Liam. I'm so sorry I haven't kept in touch. I've been really busy but I was wondering if you wanted to do anything today?

I jumped when my phone went off right away. It was like he was waiting for that which kind of creeped me out a little bit.

From Liam:

Hey Em! I'm so happy to hear from you and I'll pick you up at one ;)

I smiled and sent an 'Ok' message, then I got ready. Is it bad that I was hoping that Harry was outside when Liam picked me up?

I texted Hannah and told her that I was going out with Liam today, and she was beyond excited.

I had to admit, Liam and I were pretty cute together.

The doorbell rang and I beat my dad to the door to open it. "Hey!" I smiled, hugging Liam. I did kind of miss him. He was so sweet and genuine. And he was easy to figure out. Harry seems like he's hiding everything from me. Like he knows so much about me but I know nothing about him.

"I missed you Em." Liam said, kissing my cheek. I smiled and took his hand that he had held out and walked to his car with him.

We talked a little bit during the car ride and then he pulled into the mall parking lot. "Chipotle?" He asked, smirking.

"You're an angel." I yelled and jumped out of the car. I took his hand and dragged him inside.

"I would've offered this earlier it I thought it would mean you would come on a date with me." He said and slung and arm over my shoulder as we stood in line.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about that Liam. I've had a lot of stuff going on." I said.

"It's fine." He smiled.

He's honestly such an amazing person, that I feel like he deserves someone who is just like him. Someone that doesn't go on a maybe date with a guy the day before they ask Liam to do something.

We both ordered and got our food and sat down. We talked about different things from school to Niall and Hannah. We realized how perfect they were for each other, and laughed over stories that we told.

The rest of the afternoon went like this, and I had a lot of fun, actually. We walked around and laughed at stupid outfits on mannequins and just overall had a really good time.

He drove me home and walked me up to the porch again, and I hoped it wouldn't be as awkward as last time.

"Emily, I need to tell you something." Liam said, stopping me. I turned around to face him.

"I really like you. And I love spending time with you." He said, smiling and taking my hands.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"



Lemily or Hemily??


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