twenty two

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Emily's POV

Harry walked me up to my porch later that night. And I mean later, it was past eleven at night. Once the restaurant kicked us out, we sat in his car and talked, because we just had so much to talk about, which made me glad.

"Okay so this is the do-over part." He said, taking his hands out of his pockets when we got to the top step of the porch.

"I think you'll do just fine."

He placed his hands on my waist softly, and brought his mouth to mine, and I brought one hand to his cheek and the other one around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

It was the sweetest kiss I have ever had. Everything was so gentle and smooth, there was no rush.

After several seconds, we both pulled away at the same time. He smiled, "How'd I do?"

"Eh it was decent." I teased him before kissing his cheek and running inside. I looked through the small window on the front door to see him smiling and shaking his head at me.

I walked upstairs and threw my bag on the bed, sitting down after it. Tonight was even better then the last time Harry and I went out. I was glad we were finally seeing each other again, but I'm also glad that we are taking it fairly slow. The fact that he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet is good in my opinion. I don't want to rush anything with him, I want to savor this phase where I get butterflies every time I see him. But I have a feeling that phase will never end anyway.

I heard a crash down stairs, and yells. My stomach dropped with nervousness. I considered hiding under my bed, but I knew that wouldn't be safe enough. I prayed it was my dad and grabbed a big flashlight. Curiosity always gets the best of me, just like it is now.

"I thought I finally got rid of you." My fathers voice slurred.

My heart stopped when I heard my mothers voice follow it, "I came to get my daughter." She said with a shaky voice.

He laughed, "Maybe I'll keep her, just to get under your skin. She's never home anymore anyway, she doesn't bother me as much." He said, his words all merged together, and it was a little bit tough to understand.

"You don't love her. I love my daughter and I want her."

"Do you really think she wants to move away from all of her friends?" He asked, like he was taunting her.

"Well I know she wants to get away from you." She said, trying to step around him.

I barely saw it, I only heard the sound of her body coming in contact with the wall when he pushed her.

Before I knew what I was doing, I ran down the stairs, "Stop hurting her!" I exclaimed, stepping in between him and my mom.

"What, you want a try?"

"Touch her and you'll regret it." I heard my mom say weakly. I turned around to see her, because she sounded so fragile. When I turned around to meet my dad's gaze, I felt a burning sensation on my cheek.

"Never touch her again!" My mom yelled.

"What are you going to do?" He asked, suddenly grabbing me harshly and throwing me against the wall. I felt a crack in my shoulder and I screeched in pain.

"Emily, call the police." My mom whispered, and I remembered my phone in my pocket.

I stumbled outside, trying to ignore the agonizing pain in my shoulder. I dialed 9-1-1, holding the phone to my ear. I felt my feet walking to Harry's, because I needed to feel safe.

The person on the phone asked questions like what my emergency was, my name, my age, and my address. She sent help and I hung up, knocking on Harry's door. I looked at the time, seeing it was past midnight, and I hoped he was awake.

Even if I did wake him up, I think the tears streaming down my face would be enough for him to stay awake with me. I heard the first siren and my sobs were shakier as they pulled into my driveway.

Please let my mom be okay.

The door swung open, and a tired looking Harry emerged. His eyes widened when he saw me crying, though and he pulled me inside.

He saw another police car driving by and he looked at me as if asking if that was for me. I nodded, then buried my head into him as he closed the door and held me.

"He hit me."

His hand stopped rubbing circles on my back and he knelt down a little bit to be eye level with me.

"You called the police on him?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Good. I hope he spends the rest of his life in jail." He said holding me again.

I screeched when he touched my shoulder and he jumped away from me. He stepped away as I held my shoulder in pain.

"What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything, he did." I said, the tears falling so fast that I couldn't feel them on my face. He glanced upstairs and then he knelt next to me when I sat against the wall on the floor.

"What hurts?" He asked, looking into my eyes and I could see he was sincerely worried about me.

"My shoulder." I barely whispered.

He reached out to touch it and I flinched. "He pushed me into the wall and I landed on it." I said, taking a deep breath.

"That son of a bitch." I heard him mumble under his breath as he left and walked into the kitchen. He came back with a frozen bag of something. I scooted away from him, knowing it would hurt.

"I won't hurt you, Em. I promise." He whispered in my ear when he sat next to me, and he wrapped a towel around the bag before gently pressing it to my shoulder. I bit my lip because of the sudden change in temperature, but it didn't hurt. He pressed a kiss to my temple and we sat there in silence.

There was a new siren, and I looked out the window, confused.

It was an ambulance.

sorta eventful, hopefully you could follow...

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