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this is short, and I'm sorry! I'll update again soon, though!

Emily's POV

It was a week after that. A week after Liam broke up with me and a week after I kissed Harry.

The break up was sad, even though part of me--most of me, wanted it to happen. Liam looked upset at school, but tried to hide it. Niall refuses to speak to me as well, but Hannah is being a bit more understanding.

The kiss was the total opposite though. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to kiss the guy that I liked for a while. And the kiss was so perfect, and it made everything worth it.

But, Harry and I haven't spoken in a week.

Just when everything was working out, he stopped talking to me. I don't know if it was because of Liam, and he realized what an awful person I was, or if it was something else.

But I've texted him multiple times with no response, which is really upsetting.

I walked out of the building alone, with a quiet sigh.

"So. Are you and Harry together now?" I was startled by Liam's voice behind me.

"Oh hi, Liam." I tried to say as friendly as possible, but I don't think it really affected him. "And we aren't. We haven't talked in a while." I said.

"Did you like me at all?" He asked, once I reached my bike.

"Of course I did. Liam, you're one of the sweetest guys I know. You're the most perfect boyfriend anyone could ask for-"

"Then why would you do what you did?" He said, cutting me off.

"Because you're too perfect. For me, anyway. I'm too sarcastic and you're genuinely sweet. You think of the nicest things for me and compliment me, and I never know what to say. And you never do anything wrong, and obviously I make a lot of mistakes..." I trailed off, "You deserve someone better." I finished, taking a breath.

"But I wanted you, and I was wrong I guess." He mumbled, then walked to his car. I wanted to cry, because I felt so horrible, but I knew I that I shouldn't because I made this mess.

I pedaled home quickly, slowing down at Harry's house, hoping he would run out to me.

But he didn't, and I was alone in my bedroom, like usual.

I sent another text to Harry.

To Harry:
Please respond. I hope we are okay, I don't know what I did, maybe you realized that I am truly an awful person. Just please tell me so I can stop wondering and thinking of the worst case scenarios. I liked the kiss, and I thought you did too.

I took a deep breath and sent it, then started my homework. Which has pretty much been my daily routine for the past week.

Harry's POV

Guilt. It's the worst thing I've ever felt anything worse before. The dictionary definition of guilt is: the fact of having committed specified or implied offense or crime.

And I felt like I have committed a crime.

This girl that I've fallen so quickly for, is falling the same way for me. And I let it happen, which I shouldn't of. If I told her in the beginning, I wouldn't of talked to her, gotten to know her, and kissed her.

I kissed her.

And it was the most amazing feeling ever. Until I thought of it again. And then the guilt returned. I hate myself for it, and it's too late to tell her. It will ruin everything.

I like her so much that I don't even know what to do with myself. So much that I did the idiotic thing of ignoring her for the past week.

I don't know why I haven't replied to any of her texts, it should be easy. But it's not.

Because I have a fucking cloud over my head and its name is Guilt.

any predictions of what this cloud was caused by?? what did he do?

I can't wait for you guys to find out hah but it won't be soon oops.


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