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Harry's POV

"So do you like her or not?" Niall asked, looking confused.

"Niall, I like her so much that I don't know what to do about it." I confessed, feeling embarrassed.

"What do you mean? You ask the girl out!" He said like it was easy.

"No Niall. I haven't told her." I said, referring to what has been eating me away for the past couple months.

"Are you kidding me? Harry, she knows you're hiding something from her!" He yelled at me.

"How would you know?" I asked, thinking he was just over exaggerating.

"She was talking to me about you! Shit, I probably wasn't supposed to say that." He said, his eyes widening.

I chuckled at him, "What did she say about me?"

"That's top secret information."

"Oh don't be such a girl. Tell me." I said, wanting--needing to know what she was saying.

I knew he would, because he always does. So he let the truth out in one breath, "That she wants to be with you but you aren't confident and that she thinks you're hiding something and I guess I kind of showed that I knew what you were hiding and she saw it but I distracted her and then she forgot and that was close and scary but then Hannah started yelling at me about her shampoo so it was fine." He rambled.

"Wait. You didn't tell her, right?" I asked.

"No! Of course not! I tell people's secrets all of the time but not that one, Harry. I would never." He cleared up.

"Okay. Did she send you here?" I asked, kind of hoping she did.

"I offered it. And at first she agreed and then thought that it would make me a bad friend to Liam but I didn't care." He said, replying to something Hannah sent him.

"Oh. Niall, help me here." I pleaded.

"What do you want me to do?" He exclaimed, putting his phone down, "I'm not breaking the news. If you're going to tell her about it, you have to do it yourself."

"I wasn't going to ask you to. It's too late to tell her." I said.

"Too late? So you're just going to hide it from her? Harry, this isn't just a little secret, it's something big about you!" He said, raising his voice at me.

"Well it's not easy Niall! I can't just ruin everything! Once she knows, it will ruin everything!"

"So what are you going to do?" He asked me like I was dumb.

"I'm going to make sure she falls in love with me first. Because if she's in love with me, she'll stick by me even after I tell her."

Emily's POV

Two days after I talked to Niall, there were two quick knocks on my door. It was around the time of sunset, and I just got back from taking a walk.

I opened the door to reveal Harry, and I almost let my eyes widen in surprise.

"Hey." I said, smiling.

"Hi." He smiled, and I held the door open for him so he could walk in.

"Is something bothering you?" He asked me as he studied my eyes for emotions.

"Um, yeah." I said, biting my lip. "My mom texted me yesterday, as you know. She told me what hotel she was staying at, and to meet her there today, after school." I said.

He smiled, "That's good, what did she say?" He asked.

"Nothing. She wasn't there." I said, "I waited for hours and she didn't show up. I walked around the whole building and she wasn't there."

His smile faded, "Maybe something came up that she had to take care of."

"Maybe. So what's up?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, I um." He stopped, scratching the back of his head. "God." He said, covering his face with his hands.

I smiled and grabbed his wrists, pulling them off of his face, "You okay?" I said, trying to hide my laughter.

"Stop laughing. This is embarrassing."

"What's embarrassing?" I said, stopping my laughter.

"I was going to ask you if I could have the do-over date that I never got."

A smile grew on my face. "There's nothing you need to do over about it, Harry. It was perfect."

"Actually, that hug was the most awkward thing I've ever done in my life." He said, causing me to laugh.

"Well we've kissed since then so I think that part was done over. What I'm saying is, I want to go but let's not call it a do-over date. It's a second date and that's it." I said, boldly grabbing his hand. What I said brought a smile to his face, and he looked up at me.

"Okay so let me try this again. Will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He asked, more confidently then the last time.

"That's not even a question." I said, and took a step towards him and kissed him quickly. He smiled again at me, "Why was that so embarrassing?"

"Well it would've been embarrassing if you said no." He pointed out. I laughed again at him and brought him into the kitchen to ask him if he wanted anything. He politely declined and sat at the table, and I sat across from him.

"So, are we in middle school?" He suddenly asked.

"What?" I asked, unaware of what he was hinting at.

"Isn't that what middle schoolers do? Get guys to ask their friends if they have crushes on them?"

Niall fucking Horan.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, glad that I took acting lessons a couple years ago. I was so embarrassed on the inside, but clueless on the outside.

"Don't play dumb, babe. I know what you did." He said. The word 'babe' gave me chills coming from his mouth, and I almost smiled, but I didn't want to ruin the act.

"Are you calling me dumb? You know the date can be cancelled. Now explain what you're talking about, please?"

"I shouldn't have to explain, because we're talking about you and a friend discussing something. Does this ring any bells?" He asked.

"Niall hates me right now because of the Liam thing. So no. I haven't discussed anything with him." I said, keeping calm.

"Who said anything about Niall? You told him to talk to me about you." He smirked deviously.

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Okay we are not doing this. Just admit it, Em. I'm waiting." He said.

"Your ego is bad enough already."

"Ha! You admitted it."

"What, that you're a self absorbed dick?" I countered, a smirk rising on my face.

"No, that you talked to him about me."

"You're an idiot." I said, rolling my eyes so I could try to change the subject.

"For wanting to be with you? I think those were Niall's words." He said.

"If you don't shut up soon, you're never getting a do-over date." I threatened.

"You would never follow through on that." He teased.

"What makes you think that?"

"You want me too bad." The smirk never left his face.

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