Chapter 15

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I groan trying to shift myself on the bed.I turn around on the bed to feel more comfortable.Micheal was gazing at me with a smirk on his Face.He remove a string of hair on my face and tuck it behind my ear.He gave me a pleasant kiss on my forehead."You sleep well love?".He ask.

I nod my head even though it was a lie.I didn't sleep well at all,I kept dreaming about Nel but I didn't want to tell him that."Then why were you clutching the bed so tight and muttering different things?".He gave a slight frown.

I can't lie to him;"I dreamt about her again".I said while sitting down on the bed.

"The painkillers,The breakdowns and the dreams are they because of the incident?".He ask again.

I nod my head sincerely,"Gosh love,did you ever went to therapy?".

"A lot of times,My parents took me to a different therapy but none seems to work".

He sat down near me,he put his hands on my cheeks and raise my face up to meet his,"Listen to me love,it's not your fault you did nothing wrong,you were a kid at that time.You never knew she was gonna die and am sure even your twin sister won't be happy that you are living your life with guilt,Don't ever think you don't deserve happiness because you do,you deserve every good thing this life could offer".He said with a smile on his face.

I felt his pink lips on mine,I went rigid for a second and then relax.I open my mouth and his tongue swept forward making me want more of him.

*   *   *

I lay next to him on the bed,focusing on his face and physical features.He decided to spend the night with me and I just wish he would do that with me everyday but we both have businesses to take care of.We had sex all night long and he doesn't get tired,I wonder how.But after everything we did last night,he must have been tired even though he might not accept it.The desire to want all of him just keeps growing everyday but I know well that I can't have all of him,his heart belongs to only one woman-Samantha and not me.I know for a fact that one day he would get tired of me being his rebound and go back to drooling and wanting Sam.He wants Samantha and I want him.He can't have Sam's heart and I can't have his heart as well.He shifted,placing his hands on my naked waist,his long legs tangled my legs and he place his face on the valley on my breasts.

"Good morning love".He mutter planting a kiss on my breasts.

"Morning".I reply,untangled my legs and gently remove his hands on my waist.

"Where are you off to love?".He kiss my breasts again.

"Work,Somewhere you should also be at".

I pick my clothes from the floor,my bra and panties are nowhere to be found."Looking for these?".He ask,holding my underwear in his hands,his face filled with mischievous smile.

"Don't be mischievous Michael,give me back my underwear".

"Love,mischievous is my middle name,just give me something and I would give you back your underwear".He smirk.

"What do you want?".I ask.

"Three rounds".He said.

Does he ever get tired?

"We were up all night Michael,don't you ever get tired?".I ask knowing what his reply would be.

He shakes his head,"No I don't".

"C'mon three rounds love".He winks at me.

I shake my head.

"Two rounds".

I shake my head.

"One round".

Before I could shake my head,he kiss me  without waiting for my reply.Micheal held me tighter,his hands on my waist,as he fits his body into me and outs again.Over and Over I accepted his strokes,giving as good as I got.When I felt I could take it no longer,he raise the threshold.He pull me into a sitting position.My legs straddled him and he push into me at a different pleasurable area inside of me.I sigh,a sound that was not describable.In seconds,I was all over the edge,trying to force myself not to shout Micheal's name and finding it impossible to contain.I felt a building in my stomach and I knew it's was my orgasm.

Even with ragged breath and a body pounding with the energy of sated sex,Micheal's hands roam my back.I love the feel of him,love the way he made me feel.I wanted his hands to stay on me for at least the next century.Pushing his fingers into my hair,he angle my mouth to his and kiss me breathless.

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