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I pulled my hair in a ponytail while glancing at the time, where are they?, They were suppose to be back an hour ago. Allow me to explain what's going on, my twin brother, jason and my boyfriend Caleb are out to get our cake, it's our birthday today so yay us. I didn't want to celebrate because I didn't feel like it because our dad died on this exact day two years ago, so even though Jason wanted to celebrate he still went with my suggestion about celebrating it, just us and our close friends.

I glanced at the time again getting more pissed at them, what's so hard about going to the bakery picking up a cake and coming back, it's a fifteen minute drive so why ain't they back, they probably forgot about the cake lazy assess- my thoughts where cut off as my best friend and also my brother's girlfriend marina calling me, I quickly picked up the call cause she was also suppose to be here.

"What are you doing, your like an hour late, and-" she cut me off and said

"Listen to me" her voice sounded broken like she's been crying, making me immediately come to my senses.

"Marina tell me what's wrong" i asked, my voiced laced with worry, I know my best friend, she hardly cries.

"It's Jason, they had an accident" she sobbed and at that time I felt my entire world freeze, I felt my blood turn cold, no no this isn't happening.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously I could feel my eyes burning up but I won't, there's no reason to cry they're going to be fine, the worst that can happen is one of them ending up with a broken arm, i KNOW it. I took a Shakey breath in and breathed it out. She told me what hospital there where in and it was like I was suddenly on auto pilot, I didn't know when I entered a cab, I didn't know when I reached the hospital, I didn't know what was happening, I only registered what was happening when I saw my mom sitting on a chair with marina by her side, there where comforting each other.

I quickly made my way to my mom and wrapped myself around her, she kept sobbing continuously, I was crying seeing my mom in this condition, she already lost her husband and she most think that the worst will happen but I know not to think like that, Jason and Caleb told me never to think the worst, we should be hoping for the best.

I saw Caleb's parents on the other side of the corridor and i stood up from my seat after my mom nodded at me to go to them.

I believed that they didn't notice me while i was with my mom, his mom engulfed me in a hug the moment i was at arms reach, she was crying hysterically but so was everyone here, including me.

The doctor slowly came into view and we all stood up.

"Family of caleb Anderson" the doctor called and his mom spoke up.

"Yes we are, a-am his mo-mom, please how is he?" His mom asked while stuttering, it was heartbreaking seeing them like this.

"Okay, he is currently stabilized" the doctor said while looking at the sheets in his hand.

"Can we go see him?" His sister Miranda asked.

The doctor glanced at us before he sighed and told us that we can go in but only two at a time. His parents went first and about twenty minutes or so they came out, his mom was crying really hard and his dad was also crying, i was wrapped up in my mom's arms when they came out and i slowly came out of my mom's arms.

"His looking for you Jess and Miranda" his mom informed us. I didn't get along with his sister but i nodded at her as we both made our way into the room.

The room was deemmly lit. The moment i laid my eyes on him a sob escaped me. His whole body was covered in bruises. His left foot was in a cast and so was his right hand they was a wrist brace abound his left wrist. And a collar brace around his neck.

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