chapter 4: laughter

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Potato, is he serious. a potato

I slowly turned around to look at him with an unbelievable look on my face and asked

"Are you serious, a potato?" Because this is the first time I've been called a potato and i don't exactly like it. He looks at me with the same imperssive expression gone was the slight blush okay then. Making me sigh, i need a reaction from him and since he is not giving me any i decided to come with a different approach.

"Okay, do you mean a sweet potato or an Irish potato cause i like sweet potato better. Now tell me which one am i" i was smirking when i said those words in a teasing way. I mean he definitely should have seen it coming.

He looks at me for a while, well not exactly looking but more like murdering me then running over my already dead body by a car and throwing it in the ocean just to bring me back to life and do it all over again. He mumbled some profanities under his voice, something around the line of me not being worth it. Well if he wants to know am not worth shit, just like Evelyn said i killed my dad, Caleb and Jason. Am a killer and am surprised my mom hasn't thrown me away, I've done nothing but bring misfortune into her life, i bet she hates me now, who am i kidding, i KNOW she hates me now even i hates myself so what...

I quickly shook my head as if i was shaking the negative thoughts out, i walked away from the scene where people where still standing there dumpstruck, why? I don't know.

I made my way back to where i first saw Millie at her locker and sat on the ground Indian style and a minute later i saw her approaching me and from the look on her face she is not pleased. One of the tiny disadvantages of having a friend is that just from the look on there face you would know that what you did was wrong. She marched towards me like she wanted to kill me, i took a deep breath and formed a plan in my head, the moment she was close to me and was opening her mouth to say something probably a curse word i hugged her and said

"I am so sorry, i didn't mean to disappear like that, something came up and i am so so so sorry" i said cutting her off, i smiled to myself knowing that there is no way she could still be mad at me.

"Ughh your not suppose to apologise you idiot, i was suppose to be mad at you and yell at you until am not mad at you anymore" she rambles/grumbles how she pulled it of, I don't know. I was kinda amazed by the amount of times she had said 'you' in her little speech. I apologized to her one more time and she glares at me for a second before she shoves some papers in my hand, i took a look at them and realized that they are my locker combination and time table.

"Thank you, thank you thank you sooo much" i said to her in away i think is cute. Hoping i get back on her good side which thankfully i did.

"And guess what?, Your locker is only five lockers away from mine. It's like destiny wants us to be friends." She laughs at the end and i joined her not because i wanted to but because i felt like i had to, damn me for usually forcing friendship on people.

"Now let's get to class, we have economics right now" she says smiling wildly at me. We walked to class while talking here and there, and in a short while we made it to class. We walked in and she sat on a seat and told me to seat beside her, i did as she said without as much as a pim coming out of my mouth.

"You know you are actually the first person that offered me a friendship, most people walk away from me the moment i come to them, wanting to be friends because apparently when the popular girls don't like you, you are immediately hated" she said trying to look like she isn't hurt by that fact, but i saw right through her mask, making me smile at her and said

"Well am glad i didn't ask any of them idiots, huh imagine me having to keep my mouth shut just to please some dumbass" i said faking a shudder hoping that it will make her at least smile and thankfully it made her laugh which made me smile.

"I have only know you for some hours but it feels like I've know you for yea-" she was cut off a middle aged teacher entering the class while mumbling things to himself making me raise an eyebrow at him. He sat behind his desk all the while i was looking at him with out must concentration.

He raised up from his seat and stand in front of the class,

"I would say good morning but i think we all know that there is nothing good about this morning so lets just skip it shall we?" The teacher lazily said, making my eyes nearly pop.

The class erupted in laughter, excluding me because i was still shocked, i wished my old teachers where like this because they were cranky assholes.

"Okay now my name is Jared black but call me jared, I don't want anymore reminder that am getting older so do me a favor and don't call me sir or Mr" he joked again and i let out a small laughter.

"Okay enough of that now it has come to my notice that we have a new student, why don't you stand up and introduce yourself?" He asked smiling at me. Yeah I've already expected this because it happens to every new students no matter where you are, you just have to introduce yourself. I let out a sigh while my brain complains about why i have to do this.

"Hey my name is Jessica bekket" i said in a bored tone while lightly leaning on my chair hoping that i won't fall.

"Wow ain't you a joyous rainbow" a voice called out and i look at the direction the voice came from and i saw the boy i fought with this morning but he looks a little bit different, his nose looked thinner but i ignored my curiosity and grinning at him, i bet i look like the Cheshire cat but whatever.

"And ain't you a nosy a**hole" i said with fake enthusiasm. He looks momentary shocked making my smile bigger.

"Wait hold on, your the girl who fought with Kyle earlier today" a voice screamed in shock. I was confused in all honesty, until it started clicking, i realized that i just insulted someone a nosy a**hole for no good reason.

I looked back at him and asked

"So you are not him?" I was holding on to what little hope i have left.

"No, am his twin Karl" he said, his face looks like he was holding in a laugh, now am i gonna hold on to what little dignity i have left or am i going to sit down one place. I went with the first one which lead to further embarrassment. But i didn't let it show, thankfully.

''awww, i never knew that" i said in a mocking voice.

"Oh really i d-" he started but he was cut off by Jared (the economic's teacher).

Never thought that i will meet someone who's as stubborn as me, and it was of that moment i realised that the whole class was looking at us including Millie who is holding her laughter in, well trying. what's with everyone holding in their laughter.

"Please sit down before you both bite each other's head off" Jared said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

From there he asked the class where they stopped at in there last lesson and i got lost into the world of supply and demand.

I heard the bell ring and i shot up from my seat and i realized that i wasn't the only one who shot up from my seat and that Karl was the other person. We looked at each other before a smile breaks on his face making me scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and then i saw him making his way to me.

Oh hell No.


Another chapter i hope you like it.

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