chapter 5: a new friend

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I saw him making his way towards me and let me tell you i was embarrassed as hell, i just insulted someone for no good reason.

"Hey there" he said and i slightly flinched, his voice is the same as his brother only slightly deeper but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference until you pay complete attention. I slowly turned around and looked at him, he was the spitting image of his brother excluding the fact that kyle's nose was slightly thinner at the tip but what was i expecting from two identical brothers, if you are wondering how i know their looks to actually see the difference, it's because i stared at them for two minutes straight, now tell me how could i not now annndddd because i payed too much attention to their face

"Oh great snap at me for no good reason then ignore me, what have i done to you?" He dramatically exhales making me roll my eyes

"Shut up, it's not my fault that you look exactly like that as***** brother of yours" i said packing my books and putting them into my bag.

" Damn, what got shoved up your ass?" He asked with a grin on his face, making me pause for a minute before giving him a look and saying

"Do you really want to know, cause you might just can't sleep when you do" i said smirking at him, he gave me a surprised look before he shouted

"Where have you been all my life" with one of the biggest grins I've ever seen on his face making me smile wildly at him back and said

"In your dreams"

"Trust me you do NOT want to be in my dreams, unless you have no problem with me and you doing-" I didn't let him finish, i slapped his arm making him bark out a laughter making me chuckle and say

"You are something else" while smiling, he looked into my eyes and said

"Yeah you too" i looked back into his eyes, they weren't as blue as Caleb's and that thought was enough to snap me from whatever it is we where doing. He cleared his throat and i swung my bagpack on my back.

"Well I'll see you later" i said as i made my way out if the room and making my way to my locker. I heard him say a small bye. I made my way to my locker having remembering where it was. As i rounded the corner i see Millie leaning on my locker, i made my way to her and lightly hit my hips with hers making her glare at me as if she couldn't believe what i just did,

"Dude are you bipolar?, Cause am slowly beginning to doubt the fact that your the same person who snapped at me for being a smartass or are you just acting" she said with a confuse look on her face making me smile, i have to give it to her she sure is brave for coming at me like that.

"And why do you already have your books?" I closed my locker then turned to her and gave her a gigantic sadistic smile knowing well that it makes people uncomfortable and i could see that she is starting to lean on her other leg making my smile widen

"You see, am a really nice person and am ready good at- what did you just call it, oh right acting, i can be anyone i want, i might be a bit**, i might be a little ball of sunshine, i can pretend to be naive. so watch it don't forget the fact that you know nothing about me, absolutely nothing, you didn't approach me i approached you, i made my presence known to you so you have no idea what am capable of. So don't cross your line am not really nice, so the line is already pretty thin but am not gonna be petty and be mad at you, okay? Oh and i would rather call it a gift that i can mask my emotions than call me bipolar." I said still spotting the same smile, I feel like some vampire or some shit haha but I need to stay in character.

"Now lets go to class the bell is about to ring" i said and i grabbed her hand and started dragging her towards the our literature class.

"Your crazy" she said sounding baffled

"Thank you" i said smiling, she has recovered from her shock thankfully.

"Now i just realized that i don't know where the class is so you can take the lead" i said as i pushed her forward.

"What!!!, I knew it and who told you i have literature right now, i have geography you dum-, but I'll take you to your class" she grumbled. I think she is a little bit cautious around me, good. The moment we came in front of the class she held my hand and said

"We will talk about that little stunt you pulled on me a while ago cause it was not cool!!" Making me roll my eyes at her.

I walked into the class and went to sit at the back of the class, this class has a two person seat, great now i have to sit with someone.

"Hey you can't sit- holy fudge balls you're the girl who talked back to Kyle earlier, and let me tell you it was sooooo cool, i mean seriously the guy can be a meany oh and do you know that he yelled at me before you two had a fight and i was sooo happy someone did something about how rude that butthole was today but i don't really mind because i now that he was just having a bad day and he is really nice when he isn't having a bad day ohhhh think of it as a man period. Oh my god am rambling i am so sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable oh my god am doing it again let me just shut up" i looked at the girl with wide eyes and she started blushing,

"Am sorry i just don't know when to keep quiet, i keep saying things am not suppose to..." She said trailing off making me chuckle finding it cute.

"Am sorry" she mumbled looking at the ground.

"Hey it's okay" i said smiling at her, now that she wasn't talking i can finally take a look at her physical appearance, she had light brown hair and hazel eyes and she was wearing a tight blue shirt with black ripped jeans and blue sneakers, she looked good.

"Oh yeah i came here to tell you that you can't sit here its Kyle's seat." She said nervously touching her hair.

"Am not trying to be mean i just wanted to let you know, you have already experienced his anger first hand and am not sure you would want to go through it again" she said, anger? First hand? That was him angry?

"Don't worry about it, I'll know how to deal with him" i said winking at her to which she laughed at before the teacher came in

"Alright every one take your sit, sorry am late" she said as she kept her books on the table.

"Now i heard that we have a new student, why don't you introduce yourself" she said clapping her hands together.

I sighed in annoyance for having to do this again, i stood up and was about to introduce myself again but i was rudely interrupted by the door being slammed open

"We're here, sorry we are late Mrs Aya" I heard a familiar deep voice said making me groan before i heared the voice that followed after it

"Karl shut the fuck up will you" and my eyes went to the person who the voice belongs to, oh i meant the second voice. I looked at the owner with a wide smile knowing damn well that it will annoy him and i was really happy seeing him glare at me

Well this is going to be fun


Okay this chapter made me cringe but please ignore it,

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