Chapter 8: memories

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I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in and sat there, i didn't feel like going out there to meet up with millie or that girl in class earlier, the one that kept talking, i don't know her name, now that i think about it am not sure she even told me. All she did was ramble about the boy that sat beside me, Kyle.

His eyes looked just like Caleb's

He has Caleb's ocean eyes, eyes the deepest of blue, my favorite color.

"hhhhh jess stop staring at me like that, your starting to creep me out babe" he said as he was playfully glaring at me.

"Yeah jess stop you're not only creeping him out, you're creeping all of us out right babe" Jason nudged marina on for support and she glanced at him then me then caleb before she shook her head, looked at Jason and said

"babe you know i love you right? But for the love of god stop involving me in your petty fights"

"Oh come on you never back me up" jason wines

"That's because i don't want any trouble, she's my bestfriend and you're my boyfriend, it all starts with a b and ends with a friend, so no am not gonna choose" marina explains, i was just looking at the both of them while we quietly laugh to our selves.

"Well yeah but am pretty sure she doesn't e-uhmmmpp"

"Quite you idiot" marina scoffs with her hands around his lips while she repeatedly smacks his head

"Okayyyy let's ignore them now but seriously why do you keep staring at me like that?" Caleb asked looking into my eyes

"I love your eyes, they are the same color as the sea, when i look at them it feels like am looking at a whole different world, your eyes...... i have so many things to say about them but i can't put it into words..." i said gazing into his eyes as i trail off

"Wowwww damnnnn jess i know that you love my eyes but not this much, for a minute there i was actually jealous of my own eyes hhh" he says laughing

" well you do have a reason to be jealous, i love them moreee" i laughed

"Good thing they're on me and they ain't going nowhere, if not and you talked about someone eyes so passionately i would have stabbed and removed SOMEBODY'S eyes" he fakes a laugh and i could see he was seriously giving it a thought, as if he could

"Okayy big guy stop thinking about whatever it is you're thinking about, it can't be good" i said wagging my pointer finger at him

"What i wasn't thinking about anything bad, i was actually thinking about you, and your beautiful green eyes that look ugly on your brother" he said smiling at me, i barked out a laughter when i heard the last part and hummed at him to say i don't believe him.

"Seriously, am serious, you have the greenest eyes i have ever seen" he said smiling at me, he stood up and walked to a tree close bye and plugged a leaf and walked back to me

"Like this leaf, look at how green it is, it's the same shade as your eyes" he said looking attentively at the leaf before placing it behind my ear, he stared at me for a minute before placed his hand behind my head and kissed my forehead before pulling me in for a hug, i was seriously considering poking his eyes, i mean he placed a leaf on my hair, but am going to let it go just this one time.

"I love you soo much" he mumbles into my head and i smile softly feeling the butterflies in my stomach flutter

"I love yo- BAMMMM i heard a door slam and i looked at the direction to see one of the twin and looking at the clothes he was wearing it was Karl

"Hey I've been standing here for ever since the bell rang and you didn't notice me, i even called your name a couple of times" he said as he drops his bag beside my own and walks towards me on the piano

"So tell me what are you thinking about so intensely" he said as he sat down behind when i tried to put some distance between us he rolled his eyes and said

"Come onnnnnn, what are you trying to do? You trying to fall down? Just sit next to me, i don't bite" he said wiggling his eyebrows and that made me laugh and his smile went bigger

"Now tell me, what were you thinking about so intently?'' He asked again and surprisingly i answered him

"Memories" i say slightly smiling at the bittersweet feeling in my chest

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