chapter 16: cousins

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It's been a week since i last went to school and now mom is quite literally kicking me to go to school because one she's going on a business trip for a week or two, she isn't sure yet and she's making sure i don't stay in the house all alone more than i need, something about fresh air and me needing to socialize, i mean come on being on a video call with marina in the comfort of my bed is socializing but it's not, but on the bright and bad side she bought me a car and somehow convinced me to continue driving, of course after a few panic attacks, tears, crying and hugging. the things we do for the people we love.

In all honesty I didn't want to return to school because god forbid but what if Kyle spreads the story of how he saved me from being r*ped? What if everyone knows by now? I mean i know that it's nothing to be ashamed of but still, I had my fair share of people looking at me as if i was some item for sympathy, looking at me as if I was some fine china and in all honesty I hated, I hated the half assed am sorry that this happened to you or some sh*t along that line, I mean why are you sorry for me? Am not the one who's six feet under, so why? I knew that I wasn't going to get an answer now or ever so I just sat there munching at the cookies my mom baked me for five minutes before i sighed and sealed them in the little plastic bag before leaving the car and walking towards the school, i feel like am forgetting something or someone but i shrugged it off and continued walking to the school.

I continued walking as i tried to remember where my locker was, do i go straight or do i take a turn? Who the hell forgets his or her locker? It's not like my memories are bad, I just need to see things twice before i get them imprinted in my head and it's mostly related to directions or places, that's when i need to see or go there twice.

I was glancing left and right before someone grabs the back of my t-shirt making me turn to see who it was.

Damn it i knew i forgot something, well not exactly something but someone, Millie. How in the hell did i forget about someone who took care of me on my first day? Does this make me a bad person? Because i sure as hell feel bad.

"Oh my god, Millie i was just looking for you" i said widely smiling at her, what? It's not like i was going to tell her i forgot about her and her friends because that's a bitchy thing to do.

"That explains why you were looking around like a giraffe but enough of that, why weren't you in school for a week" she said in a matter of fact tone.

"yeah i was in a little predicament but it's all good, and as an apology i brought you cookies" i was lying about the cookies but hey i need to make friends, but i think call it lying is a little far fetched but whatever.

"Awnn thank you so much, i really appreciate it. Now let's go to our lockers so we can drop our things" she said as she grabbed my hand and started walking to our next destination, finally. I memorized the way to my locker and her own was five lockers away from mine. I brought out the cookies gave her half and kept half for myself because one i love my cookies, chocolate and food, and as much as am starting to like her i can't give her all.

We made our way to our first class, well her leading the way and me making sure i remember the way. Am starting to to love this little friendship of ours, hope it stays and doesn't end up with one of us dying.

I made sure i remember the way as we kept walking and her talking about things, she was talking about Luke and it seems like he is all she talks about forty percent of the time and it seems like some cheerleader named Sofia has her eye on him, drama.

"So you mean to tell me that she wrapped her hands around his neck while you were there?" I asked bewildered by her share audacity.

"I mean right" she said still pissed of at the situation

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