chapter 13: savior

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Trigger warning

I was in the shower for about thirty to forty minutes, crying my eyes out whilst scrubbing myself.

When i came out i dried myself and dressed myself in a bright purple hoodie and blue spandex, i took my phone and glanced at the time, it was 10pm. I took my headphones and made my way downstairs, my mom was at my side the moment i reached down

"Honey are you okay?" She asked with a worried look on her face, if possible i hated myself more, i took everything away from her and now i was making her worry. Some daughter i am.

"Mom seriously am fine, you should stop asking " i said smiling while making my way to the door, she doesn't look convinced but she let's it go

"Where are you going? " she asked as she follows behind me

"Am going out for a run" i said as i tugged on my shoes

"It's a little bit too late for a run jess, why don't you leave it to tomorrow " she said anxiously

"Mom pleaseeee" i said with a little too much desperation. I cleared my throat and said

"I just want to clear my head mom, please" she stared at me for a minute before she gave me slight nod. I let out a soft sigh as i slipped on my sneakers.

"Am not going to stay out late, i promise. Thirty minutes top and I'll be back" i said as i made my way to her and gave her a hug

"Okay I'll make dinner in the meantime" she said and that made me smile. I turned around and closed the door, i let out a sigh as i pulled my headphones on, i pressed play on my playlist and put my phone on flight mode before i started running.

i had no particular destination in mind but i wanted to run, i needed to feel the air weaving into my hair, it always soothes me. I wish i could run away from myself, i needed a break, i needed a break away from myself and my destructive mind. It's been a while since i last had a nightmare, i thought they stopped. I hated going to the therapist, she made me speak of things i didn't want to. Mom says that it's a good thing that am going and am getting better, they said that i shouldn't blame myself but i knew they were lying, i could see it in there eyes.

By the time i stopped running to catch my breath i realized that i didn't know where i was 'fu*k' i thought to my self as i pulled my phone out of my pockets and glanced at the time, shit it was exactly 11:23. Shit i told mom i wouldn't be out late and to make matters worst my phone was down to 5%, i removed my phone from the flight mode and sent a quick message to my mom telling her am on my way back. I quickly went to the Google map and saw where i was and googled my neighborhood, i was following it until my phone died.

I let out a sigh as i turned around and continued walking while trying to remember how on earth i came here. The anxiety was eating my from the inside out and the fact that it was as silent as a graveyard didn't help one bit. Well at least it's better than having to hear people's footsteps and people walking by me, "this couldn't get worst" i quietly mumbled to myself as i kept taking turns

"Hey you!!" I heard someone yell from behind, shit! Guess i spoke too soon. I ignored the voice as i kept walking, pretending that i didn't hear the person, i kept walking as i hear another voice call me, fu*k there's two of them, i still didn't turn back. I could hear their footsteps coming closer to me over my thundering heart, they were at least five feet away from me before i broke into a sprint and not a second after i hear their footsteps after me i didn't dare look back as i kept running, i was already exhausted from my run but i still kept pushing myself to run further away from them. I kept taking turns after turns and they were still not giving up, i took another turn and it lead me to a clearing of what look like a park, i took a step forward before my hair was roughly pulled back making me fall down to the hard ground, i didn't wait a minute before hastily trying to get myself away from them as my breath comes out in shot huffs as result of the run, they were standing over me, both of them

"This little b*tch pissed me off" the bald headed man said as he approaches me whilst i keep trying to come up with a plan that will help me as far away from them as i could, whatever it is they were planning to do to me won't happen, i won't allow it, i promised to myself.

"Well you know how they are, the pretty one's don't give up so easily but it'll be all worth it in the end" the other man said, when i registered what he said i realized this wasn't there first time and I'll be damned if i let myself be added into there collection. My instincts know better than to fight cause i know that i wont be able to fight them so i made another run for it and not a few steps later a scalding pain shot through my head as i was yet again roughly thrown onto the ground and not a second later he was on me, with both his legs at my side caging me in. I some how manage to throw him off of me and knee him in between his legs, hard. His friend, the bald one screams at me as he launches towards me and punched me hard on my face and was on top of me faster than i could blink my tears away, with both my wrist captured in his hand. he was trying to take my hoodie off, i kept thrashing around below him as a sob wrecks over my body, i didn't want this, i already have enough traumas on my plate i didn't need more, he leaned over to say something to me but i took it to my advantage and bite his ear, he was screaming but i didn't let go till i felt the metallic taste of blood on my tongue. He kicked me away from him as he gripped his bleeding ear. I stood up on my wobbly legs and ran/limp away from them as i saw his other friend coming closer.

A blinding light came out of nowhere and i was sure i was about to be ran over but the car stopped a few feet away from me. I stared at the car in horror as i realized i was almost ran over, the car door was opened and i was shocked to see who it was. It was Kyle

He had a worried look when he came out but when he saw me, his worried look turned to one of horror.

I heard a couple of footsteps followed by a string of curse words
"Hey boy!! Whatcha doing with our girl?? Give her back and go on your merry way" the tall one said, he looked at me before quietly asking me to get in the car maybe it was because i was already shaken up but i entered the car with not much argument or resistance. He turned off the car headlights and locked the doors. I could see them fighting but not five minutes into the fight i closed my eyes and ears and started counting from one, i kept going until the door was unlocked and he got into the driver's seat, it was quiet for a while before he said

"Lets get you home"


This chapter sucks i know but am not really good at writing stuff like this

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