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Whatever's italicized are what she's thinking in her head.


I suck in a deep breath. Just shake away the nervousness . A little wave of anxiety washes over me. This isn't helping. Come on, Grayson. Open the door.

I open the door, walking into the classroom grabbing everyone's attention . The nervousness started to build up even more. I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Ah, you're the new student I believe, well tell the class your name." The teacher said bluntly.

I walk over to his desk, slipping a paper to him. He scans over it. The look on his face flashed sympathy, but went away quickly. He looks at me and nods.

"Class, please welcome our new student, Grayson. Treat her with respect," He points to a desk in the back,"you may sit over there."

As I was walking to the desk, people stole glances at me. I lowered me head. Hurry up and sit down. This is getting too awkward. I sat down and looked back up. Everyone's head snapped back, facing forwards.

"Hi, I'm Ellie." A girl in front of me introduces herself. I look at her green eyes and just gave a short wave.

"Um, if you need any help, you can ask me, alright?" She offers. I nod at her and turn my attention on the teacher.


Class finally ended. One down, seven more to go. Almost there, Grayson.

"Hey Grayson! Wait up!" Someone says from behind me. I turn around to see that one Ellie girl, trying to reach me. "Do you need help finding your locker?" She asks me. I slightly nod at her.

"Okay, what's the number?" Oh crap. I bite my lip and furrow my eyebrows. A light goes off in my head. I rip out a piece of paper from my notebook and write my locker number down. Handing it to her, she looks at me confusedly. I purse my lips as she reads the number. Ellie nods at me to follow her, which I did.

Once we reached me locker, she points down the hallway.

"My locker is over there, if you need anything else, and I'm guessing you need help on finding your next class?" She questions. I nod, yet again and showed her my schedule.

"Okay, well I can show you where the music room is, since you have choir, but I don't have that class with you so I'll just drop you off, yeah?" She looks at me while I nod. I'm going to be nodding an awful lot today.

As she's walking me to my class, I take this as an opportunity to take a good look at the school. Lockers filled up most of the walls, while the empty ones had paintings and artworks.

When we reached my next class, Ellie reminds again about getting help from her. And again, I nod. Teenagers started piling into the class, while I wait for them in the end.

"Oh! Class, we have a new student," the perky teacher exclaimed," sit right next to Luke," the teacher, Mrs. McClain points to the chair next to a boy with quiffed up blonde hair and lip pierce.

Walking over to my assigned seat, I suddenly feel intimidated next to this Luke kid. Do I seriously have to sit next to him? Everything about him gives off a bad vibe. His outfit doesn't scream out rainbows and sunshine, considering he's wearing all black. Plus, the glare he's giving me isn't exactly inviting.

"Okay everybody, lets start off with some warm ups, follow my lead!" She starts inhaling and exhaling deeply. Next thing you know, she starts singing those obnoxious scales. Do they do these every single day?

"Grayson! Why are you not warming up with us?" She exclaims, snapping me out of my thoughts. Oh, crap.

I slip out the same piece of paper I gave to the other teacher. Walking over to her, she snatched the slip of of my grasp and reads it. Realization hits Mrs. McClain as she reads it.

"See me after class, but for now, go into the recording room over there until class ends." she points to a door, which I'm guessing leads to the recording room. They have money for a recording room? I simply nod, and head towards the room.

Can this be anymore embarrassing? Everyone is staring. Wait, what am I going to do in here? Just sit around for an hour?

I take a look around the room. Instruments and music sheets were laying all over the floor. In the corner, I see the recording booth. This room is very messy. It's more like a storage than a recording room. In the other corner, a drum set was out and looked like it hasn't been touched for a long time. In front of the drum set, a few acoustic guitars were sprawled out lying on their backs.

I head towards the guitars and examine them. Two were worn out, but the last one looked new. I grab a chair and hoist the guitar up on my lap. It's been a long time, my friend.

My thumb played the 6 strings, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. A tune starts playing as I strum the guitar.

Today's gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you. I sang in my head. I continue playing the guitar softly, trying not to be too loud for the people in the other room to hear me.

I don't believe that anybody
Feels the way I do
About you n-

"Hey!" A low voice shouts from behind me. I stop playing. As so did my heart


Well this was shit. Sorry. It will get better, I promise. Maybe.

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