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Do you guys want me to make these long like the last one? The gif isn't mine, credit to original owner. I also didn't edit this so sorry for all the spelling mistakes. 


Entering my house, I drop my bag and head to kitchen. I grab a bag of chips that were in the cabinet.

"Hey, where have you been?" A low voice asks. I jump, and drop the bag of chips. Startled and scared, I turn around. What was he doing here?  And how the hell did he get into my house? I look at him, mortified. 

"Sorry, door was unlocked and I saw you." Luke was leaning against the door frame. As I walk past him, I hit him on the arm with the bag of chips and go into the living room to grab my notebook. 

"Why didn't you knock?" I wrote down with an angry expression on my face. I shove it in front of his face. He smirks and shrugs. 

"Why not?" He said nonchalantly. 

"Break and entering my house?"  Luke read. 

"I didn't break anything, so.." He stated. I rolled my eyes and write in my notebook;

"Knock next time. And why are you here?" 

"Well, somebody had to be tutored yesterday, but when I waited, she didn't come." Luke pointed his finger at me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Shit. Realization hit me. Is he butt hurt over this, though?  I don't know whether to laugh or pity him. I bit my lip, trying to hide my smile. 

"It's not funny." He huffed. I shake my head at him. 

"We could make up for it now." He plops himself down on the couch. I narrow my eyes at him, questioning his suggestion. 

"Why?" I mouthed to him. Luke gives me a shrug.

"Why not?" He retorts. This confuses me even more. Him? Spending time with me? 

"Don't you have friends?" I wrote down on my notebook.

"Yes, I do have friends,"  Luke sneered, "but they're all busy." 

I put my hands up in surrender. Taking out the textbook and another notebook for Luke, I sat on the other side of the coffee table, like the last time. 

"Hey, since there's only one textbook, why don't sit up here so you could see what I'm doing." Luke pats the couch, right next to him. Oh, how awkward

Slowly, I get up and walk around the coffee table. I was hesitant on sitting, but I was already over here so there wasn't much of a choice. The whole time, Luke was staring, and I couldn't help but feel awkward. My whole body was stiff and I felt tiny compared to him. 

We carried on like this. Me listening to him while he talks about the stuff that I already know. I would confront him, but I didn't want to interrupt. Each time he stops talking, he would look over at me to see if I got it. I've been nodding, pretending that I was paying attention. 

"I know you're not actually paying attention." Luke suddenly stated, as he is writing something down on the notebook. My head falls, embarrassed that he knew. I quickly write down on my notebook paper before he started talking.

"You and I both know that I don't need this." He nodded, agreeing with me. 

"Lets just say that you did give me lessons," He read, " but really, you're not, so that we wouldn't have to deal with each other." My hand writing was sloppy. 

"Can't," he said, "teacher wants updates each time." Luke sighed. I huff out a breath and sink down into the couch. The less time I spend with him, the better, but obviously that's not going to happen.

 A knock on the door rips me out of my thoughts. Getting up quickly, I hurriedly run to the door and opened it. Karen stood on my porch, with a big smile on her face. I smile back at her. Hopefully, she won't come inside. 

"Hey, you didn't come check up with me when you came home." She claimed. 

"I forgot, but something came up." I signed to her. 

"Okay, well I have errands to run, so I'll check up on you later." We both say our goodbyes as she leaves. I go back into the living room, only to find that Luke was no where to be scene. Panic rushes through my body. Not my room, please. Not my room

I run down the hall straight to my room, only to find that he wasn't there either. Relief washes over me. I turn around, colliding with whatever's behind me. Falling down on my bum, I look up to see Luke peering over me. He holds out his hand. I grab his hand as I role my eyes and sigh. 

"Sorry," he smirks at me, "I was in the bathroom." Jesus, he's tall. 

I nod and walk back to the living room awkwardly. He sits down where he was before. I didn't want to sit next to him. We already established physical contact, and that is as far as it's going to go. I go back to the other side of the coffee table and plop myself on the ground. Luke shoots a confused look my way. Shrugging back, I grab the notebook and textbook to continue our lesson. 

"How about instead of me teaching you," He stops me, "you teach me." I give him a confused look. 

"Teach me some sign language." I purse my lips, thinking what I should start with. 

"Mom." I wrote on the notebook and showed him. He nods as I demonstrate for him. Luke copies what I just did, and I nod saying that he got it. I showed him how to sign the rest of the family basis. When I got to 'brother', I look over at him and see that he did it wrong. Shaking my head, I lean over the coffee table and fix that way he had his hands. 

"Like this?" He signed 'brother' again. I nod and give him a thumbs up. 

"How do you sign 'thank you'?" He asks. I use my dominant hand and put hand flat with the fingers near my lips. I then moved my hand forward, a bit down towards Luke. He copies my gesture on his own. 

"It's like blowing a kiss." He chuckled. Luke puckers his lips and redid the hand gesture, blowing a kiss. I bite down on my bottom lip and put my hand over my mouth, trying not to laugh at his ridiculousness. It didn't work when Luke tried it again. I couldn't help but fall to my side and let out little wheezes. 

Getting back up, but still laughing a little, I see that he's staring at me with an amused face. I hide my face behind my hands, now feeling self conscious. I open a little slit between my fingers to see if he was still staring. He was. And I couldn't help but feel even more self conscious. Luke shakes his head and chuckles before looking down. 


Sorry if this seemed like a filler. But if you have any questions, go right ahead and ask. Also, please tell me if you guys want it long like the last one or not. Thanks for the votes and stuff :-)

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