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I probably should've worn you guys ahead of time, but this involves bullying. So if you're not comfortable reading that kind of stuff then I suggest you not to continue reading. And don't worry, I put the warning in the description this time.


I whip my head around to see who it was. My breath hitched. It was the blond kid I sat next to.

"Get your hands off my guitar!" He exclaimed. My eyes widened. Oh my god. I quickly put it back where I found it. Why did I touch it?! I mentally yelled at myself.

"Teacher wants to see you." he grumbled. I grabbed my backpack and ran past him as soon as he said that. Am I in trouble? Did I play too loud? God damn it, I probably did.

No one was in the classroom, besides Mrs. McClain. Where did everyone go? I walk right up to her desk.

"What are we going to do with you?" She looks at me. I give her a shrug. What are they going to do with me? I ask myself.

"I heard you play," Mrs. McClain points at the door to the other room I was just in, "and I think I have another offer for you instead of choir," I nod slowly, indicating for her to continue.

"Would you much rather have guitar lessons than choir?" I nod eagerly, agreeing to the offer.

"Okay, I'll arrange a new schedule for you after lunch, yeah? Now, get going." She escorts me out.

I leave the classroom and head towards my locker. Where am I going now? I take out my schedule and look at it. It's lunch right now.

"Grayson!" Someone shouts from behind me. I turn around and see who it is. Ellie.

"Hey, come on, lets go get lunch." she drags me by the arm to the cafeteria.

Everyone's eyes were on me once I entered the cafeteria. I hide behind Ellie's arm, not liking the attention I'm getting. Ellie leads me to a table in the corner and sits down.

"So how's your first day of school so far?" She looks at me. I shrug. Nothing interesting has happened, so far.

"Well, are you thinking of signing up for any-" Ellie stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes were focused on something behind me. I turn my head to see what she's looking at, but Ellie stops me. I furrow my eyebrows at her. Ellie's eyes were now on me. She lowered her head a bit. My eyebrows are still furrowed.

"Don't turn around, just act casual, okay?" Her voice lower than before. I nod and eat my lunch. Ellie hid her face behind her hands. What's going on? I turn my head around, despite that Ellie told me not to. Nothing seemed to be wrong. Everyone was eating their lunches and talking to each other.

"Oi! I told you not turn around!" Ellie whisper yells when I turn back around, facing her again. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Fine, just don't look at the table behind you." She sighs heavily. Obviously, doing the exact opposite, I turn my head around and look at the table behind me. Nothing was suspicious about it. Only four teenagers sat at the table. All boys specifically. One that stood out very much was the blue haired guy. The one sitting next to him was the blond kid, Luke I think, from choir class. Across them sat a guy with dark brown hair wearing a soccer shirt and another guy with light brown hair wearing a bandana.

"I told you not to look at the table behind you! Jeez, you don't listen do you?" She scolds at me. I'm going to do things that you say not to do. Ellie gives a glance at them, but quickly looks down.

"They're staring now," she mumbles,"look at what you've done." After she said that, I immediately felt holes burning through the back of my head. Turning my head around to find out which one was staring at me, I see all of them staring at me.

My eyes catches Luke's stare. My mind reverts back to last hour, when he found me playing his guitar. I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment. Their stares weren't exactly pleasing. Especially, the blue haired guy.

"They're not exactly the best group to hang around with," Ellie whispers, " they are known as the 'bad boys' if you would call it." I shake my head and role my eyes. Typical. Nearly every school has to have at least one.

"They also like to taunt me...and tease me..." She mumbles, "sometimes it's a little more... like pushing and shoving." My eyes were wide once she finished.

"I'm not always open like this, but since you're new, you should know something a little about them and stay away."

How can I stay away when one of them intrigues me?


It was nearly the end of school. Last class and that's it for the day, you got this. My leg was bouncing up and down from anxiousness.

"Aye, can you stop?" Someone says, sitting right next to me. I look over and see it was the dark brown hair guy. My face heats up, yet again. I sink down into my seat, right as the bell rings.

I quickly grab my stuff and ran out of the classroom. Nothing interesting happened, besides having four boys staring at you weirdly during lunch. Or everyone staring at you.

I soon reach my locker and unlock it. Looking around, I see I was the last one in the halls. Everything was quiet, until I heard footsteps. Not from one, but maybe a group.

I didn't expect to be on the floor. Nor, having a shock of pain through my head and hands. I was dazed from the sudden action. Some sort of liquid was dripping down from the end of my eyebrow. Blood I assume.

The only thing that I saw before I was yanked by the wrist and being pulled away was something blue and wispy.


I am very sorry for the late update. But thanks for waiting. I hope that you read the top part of this chapter or the description, because this does involve bullying and abuse. Not a lot of abuse but taunting, yes. And name calling. If you can't read things like that then I highly suggest you don't read it.

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