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Omg okay just ignore my last chapter. I rushed it and everything just went kind of downhill. But credit to my cousin. Again.


I didn't want to look. Every time I turn around, something bad happens. So far, at least. Still frozen in place, the person walked closer and closer to me, until he was right behind me.

"Can you look at me when I'm talking to you?" He said in a irritated voice. I turn around slowly. Looking up, I see the same blue eyed guy with blond hair. I gulp.

"Are you Grayson? Or not?" He asks with no emotion. I slowly nod at him.

"You've got to be kidding me," Luke mumbles under his breath, "well, Mr. Miller said that you needed a tutor in maths." I shrug, looking down at the ground.

"Just meet me in the library after school." He said bluntly, then left without another word.


To say I was scared was an understatement. I didn't want to see Luke, nor did I want to have him as a tutor. It's nearly the end of the day, and I'm going to have to meet up with him at the library. Really hope that he doesn't show up so I can go home and not face him.

Once the bell rang, I slowly walked to my locker. After grabbing all the things I need, I close it and head to the library. Maybe if I walk slow, I could stall the time. But the library was close to my locker, so I couldn't stall the time.

Walking in, I look around to see that I'm the only one there besides the librarian. I sat down at the nearest table to the door and set my stuff down. I really hope he doesn't show up. I thought to myself. But I spoke too soon. In the corner of my eye, I saw the tall, blond kid walk through the door and sit right across from me.

Fear sat at the pit of my stomach. Goosebumps start to rise on my arms as the air gets cold. I didn't want to look up at him. Luke takes out his textbook, as I do the same.

"What do you want to start with?" His voice sounding emotionless. I could feel his eyes on me. The atmosphere got quite uncomfortable. I simply give him a shrug.

"Is there anything you need specific help on?" Luke sighs. He was growing tired, probably thinking that this was a waste of time.

I grab a piece of notebook paper and wrote; "Just begin with the unit you guys are at right now." I handed it to him.

Luke gives me a confused look before he scans the note, then nods as he begins with the lesson. But throughout the whole lesson, my mind was somewhere else. Not once did I pay attention to him while he talked. All I wanted to do was get this over with and leave.

"Hey, if I knew you weren't going to listen, then I wouldn't have come." he snapped at me. I jump at his tone of voice

"Pay attention so we can get this over with." he grumbled.

And this time I did. But I knew everything already. I didn't need a tutor. I just forgot to bring my homework home. To say the least, this was boring. Both of us wanted to go home, as you can tell. In the middle of him talking, I started zoning out. Can this be over?

"Figure that equation." Luke stated out of nowhere. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him.

"Pay attention. Figure this equation out." He pointed at it in the textbook. I nod and grab a piece of paper. Within seconds, I had an answer. Showing my answer to him, he nods and points at another equation. And thats all we did. Luke would tell me to do an equation, and I would solve it.

"I don't think that you need a tutor, because it seems to me that you already know this stuff." Luke says, as I'm trying to solve another equation.

I give him a shrug. The only reason I'm here is because the teacher thinks that I need help, but I don't. And I had no other choice. I was still on the equation. This time, I'm actually stuck on one. Okay, maybe I do need help, but I managed to get through most of it.

I tap my pencil on Luke's textbook to get his attention. He looks up and asks; " What?"

Pointing at the equation, I write on the top of my paper that said; "I'm stuck on this one."

Luke gives me a confused look, but still explains the process of solving it. I write all of what he said down, and soon I start to understand it. Wasn't so hard. The tutor session continued like this.

As the time flew by, it was coming to an end of the session and I couldn't be more happy to leave. I was watching the clock on the wall as my leg bounces of anxiousness. Please, I just want to go home.

"Why not just tell me the answer?" Luke asks out of the ordinary. My eyes go wide, as I froze in place. Taking a loud gulp, I look up to see him looking at me, straight into my eyes. I shrug slowly, trying to look everywhere else but him.

"Are you... nervous to talk to me?" You could hear the smirk when he said that. I snap my head towards him and give him a 'what the fuck' look. I scribble fast on the piece of paper in front of me. Handing it to him, his smirk slowly disappears.

"You're mute?" His voice cracks in the end. Luke coughs and clears his throat, trying to ignore how stupid he sounded when he asked that. I nod slowly at him, looking down at my lap.

"I'm sorry," his voice was low, "I didn't know.."

I write down on the same paper; "It's alright. You didn't know." But it wasn't alright. I hated feeling vulnerable. And ever since I couldn't talk, I've been nothing but vulnerable.

"You do know that you can use your phone to talk for you?" Luke pointed at my phone that was laying flat beside my textbook. Writing down my reply on the piece of paper, I hand it to him.

"Why talk when it's not my voice?"

Mute // 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now