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But like no wifi honestly sucks ass. Sorry that I haven't updated. A week of school left then I'm done, so more updates!


Everything became awkward after that. I was staring at my hands resting on my lap. Luke clears his throat, as I look up at him. He was trying to look at everything but me. What a great tutor I have.

"We.. uh.. should be done here. You seem to get everything down." Luke mutters as he is getting up.

I grab my things and shove them into my backpack. The sooner I leave, the better. Making sure I have everything, I bolt out of the library. When I make it outside, I see that the sun is setting. Hopefully, by the time I get home it won't be that dark. Starting to walk, I plug in my headphones.

The walk home was long. It was dark by the time I got home. As I was getting ready to bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Gray, you in there?" A lady's voice shouts through the door. Karen. Running back downstairs, I open the door for her to come in.

"My god, women," she sighed of relief, "you had me worried!"

Karen plops down on the couch before saying; "You didn't tell me where you were! I tried calling and texting, but you didn't answer!"

I take out my phone. It was off this whole time. I give Karen a sympathetic look and hug her.

"I'm sorry." I sign to her.

"It's okay, sweetie," she places her hand on my shoulder, " I'm responsible for you, and it scares me every time I don't know where you are."

"I was at school still," Signing to her, "I just needed help on homework."

Karen and I talked for the rest of the night. Once she left, I went to bed and slept right away. What an awkward and exhausting day.


Another day at this school. Another day with these people. Another freaking day with them.

Ellie waited by my locker. It seems like this is going to be our routine. As I get closer, I see that she has this bright smile on her face. I wave to her and open my locker.

"Something happened yesterday when I was at the mall and-" she rambles on about how she accidentally bumped into this cute guy. Honestly, I was paying no attention to her. What a great friend, right? Note sarcasm. I just needed to get to class without being seen. Actually, the whole day without being seen. But that's kind of impossible when everyone here just likes to stare at you all the time.

"-but yeah, it's all good though, because I got his number." She jumps a little. I give her a small smile. As the bell rings, we both grab our stuff and go to class.

When the time goes by, it's already lunch. I promised to meet Ellie at the table. Currently at my locker, I grab my stuff from my backpack on the ground. I hear a locker shut real loud. I look up, and see that my locker was the one that got shut. A large hand was over it.

"Hey new kid, heard you were with Luke yesterday," I look up and see Michael was the one that shut my locker. I slowly stand up, but was still shorter than him.

"Whatcha guys do? Huh?" He taunts me.

"I already told you, I had to fucking tutor her," Luke pops up from behind Michael. Looking behind Michael, I see that his group of friends were with him.

"Well I wanted to hear it from the new kid," he smirks. New kid, new kid. I get it. I'm the new kid.

The dark haired one pops up from behind Luke. He watches our encounter intently.

"Dude, why isn't she talking?" He asked,"is she shy?"

"No you dumbass, she's mute." Luke blurts out. My eyes go wide. So does his.

"Mute, huh?" Somehow, Michael's smirk became bigger.

"What did you do? Eat a pair of scissors when you were younger?" Michael laughs. The guys behind him laugh a little too.

I lift up my hand and flipped him off. I was beyond annoyed. I was pissed.

"Oh, what's that sign language for? Fuck you?" He taunts even more.

I quickly grab a post it note and write on it.

"No. But this is."

I lift up my hand and punch him. I was shocked. I don't know where this confidence came from. Nor the violence. The looks on their faces matched mine. I grabbed my bag and ran.

"Hey! You better fucking come back here, new kid!" I hear his distant shouts.

I didn't look back. I just ran. Back to my house.

Mute // 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now