Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning with Adam in my face. I groaned and rolled over, "Adam get I'm sleeping" I mumbled. He chuckled, "no sleep. sleep is for the weak"
"Well maybe I am weak"
He laughed, "Ashtonnnn, get uppppp" he whined like a little kid. I chuckled, the memories of when I was younger came back, the nights that we stayed in abounded apartment buildings and he would have to wake me up. I laid there for a few moments and then got up, he laughed, "I see your hair hasn't changed" he said. my hair had always been really messy and fuzzy in the mornings. I got up and grabbed some clothes from my drawers, I went to the bathroom and changed and brushed my hair, teeth, and put deodorant on. I came back into the room where all the bunks was.
---- Later ----
It was close to Five in evening and Adam told me it was time for dinner. I got up and went out side. I walked to the Mess Hall and sat at the Hecate cabin. A few moments later the food came out and I started eating, I looked around at my siblings and saw the magical powers they had. 'Why haven't I been claimed yet?' I asked my self. I continued eating and then when I was done I done as the others and but the rest in the fire. I walked back outside and then started walking around, I walked around till about Eight at night and it was getting dark. I was at the lake when I decided to go back to the cabin, then I heard a voice.
"Why are you out here?" The voice asked, but instead of a creepy murder voice it was a voice I had heard before.
"W-who are you?" I asked looking around.
"Ashton stop looking around and then look to your left" the voice said.
I stopped moving and looked to my left. The person behind the voice came out and I chuckled, "Dean why are hiding?" I asked and smiled a little.
He looked at me and crossed his arms, "because I like it and I asked you the first question" he said.
I chucked, "I'm just walking around" I said.
He nodded, "it's getting dark, you should probably go back to your cabin"
I rolled my eyes playfully, "I can take care of my self. I'm not scared of the dark"
He smiled a little, "Of course you'd say that"
"What do you mean by that?" I asked
"You legit see that in every movie. the guy and the girl are walking are something and he tells her it getting dark and she should be getting home and then she's like, 'well I'm not scared of the dark'" he said and chuckled.
I laughed a little, "wow. you get Five stars for your girl impression by the way"
"why thank you" he said and bowed.
I chuckled, "But why are you out here?" I asked.
"I was just walking in the woods being a creep" he said and shrugged.
I smiled, "wow I feel so safe standing here when it's dark with a creep"
He chuckled, "oh you should"
I smiled and shook my head. I then saw a purple lite and felt some kind of weird feeling go through me, "what the hell?" I asked looking at Dean who was smiling like a psychopath.
"Well Ashton you just got claimed" he said.
Authors note: I feel like this sucked.

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