Chapter 4

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I turned around as I heard a boy screaming my name. he had brown curly hair, blue eyes, and was like 6'3. He engulfed me in the biggest hug I'd ever got in my life. After he let me go he smiled widely at me, I instantly knew him. He was my brother, my twin brother. I smiled and hugged him again. It had been five year since I had seen him, five years since they found us running away and separating us. all these years I was looking, hoping, all of it and I finally found him. A few tears came to my eyes, he smiled at me, "We found each other, like we promised" he said.
I smiled and nodded, "I never stopped looking"
He kept smiling, he was so much taller than I was, but I still remember him like the little Twelve year old boy screaming my name trying to get away from the officers. Trying not to separate us.
"I missed you so much" I said looking at him.
"I missed you too" he said back. He took my arm and lead me to the cabins. I waved good bye at Dean,but he probably wasn't paying attention. Adam lead me to the last cabin, cabin twenty. I saw outside it looked like something out of Harry Potter. He opened the door and the cabin was filled with bunks,Potions,spells, and books. "This is the Hecate cabin?" I asked. I remember when I was forced to go too school that Hecate was always my favorite Goddess. I was drawn to her, but back then I didn't know why.
"Yes yes it is" Adam said
"Is Hecate our mom?" I asked.
"Yes Ashton" he said.
"When do I get claimed if I now know who my Godly parent is?" I asked.
"How should I know" he said, "I came here, then in a few hours I was claimed"
I nodded, "you always was the lucky one" I said
He chuckled and rolled his eyes at me, "here, this is your bunk" he said and pointed to a bunk in the corner. I went over and sat down on the bed, it was so comfortable. I smiled and laid down then sat back up again smiling at Adam. I stood up and went to the drawer that was at the end of my bed and noticed there was clothes in there for me, mostly black and Purple shirts with skinny jeans and shorts.
"How-" and before I could ask my question Adam chuckled, "don't ask me, it happened to me too" he said. I chuckled and laid back down, I took a deep breath and then I felt something I hadn't felt in about eleven years. I felt safe, warm, and at home. the cabin a smelled of cookies and herbs. The cabin door opened and some more campers came in and Adam told them who I was, they smiled at me and greeted me.
-around Midnight-
I was laying in my bed in shorts and a tank top. I had the blankets over me. I was still confused about everything, how Adam got here, Why Hecate hadn't claimed me yet, and mostly was Camp going to make my life better or worse? I pushed all my thoughts away and finally feel asleep.
Authors Note: sorry this sucked.

Ashton, daughter of HecateWhere stories live. Discover now