Chapter 15

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*dean's Pov*
I saw the little girl craw out of the pathway. I quickly picked her up once I found out she only had one arm. I grabbed a bandage and bandaged her arm. "Where's Ashton?" I asked once I realized she hadn't came out yet.
"She got her" she said
"Who got her?" I asked
"The Lamia" she said.
"No no no no" I said trying to crawled into the passageway. "Ashton!" I yelled, in return I heard a scream. The passage was to short for me, Curse my tallness.
*Ashton's pov*
Gods she was creepy. She had snake skin all around her, and to be honest she wasn't the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life. She grabbed my leg and I kicked her in the face, "don't touch me!"
She smiled at me like a serial killer. "How do you expect me to eat with out touching my food" she said.
"Sorry boo boo but I'm not on the menu, if I was you I would go vegan" I replied
She growled and clawed at my stomach. I winched and there was a small amount of blood on her claws, she licked it off. Then gave me the grin again.
"Dean!" I yelled backing away from her.
"Awe who's dean? Your boyfriend?" She asked moving towards me.
"Yes he is exactly" I said moving a hand to my dagger.
"Awe how sweet, you can be a meal together" she said and sprung towards me. I quickly dodged and cut her arm. she hissed at me then lunged to me. Then I heard dean yell my name, so I screamed back in response. Trying to keep this mad woman away from me. She grabbed legs leaving deep cuts down them, stupid shorts. I stabbed her in the head, this would kill her I thought to my self. Guess who was wrong, me.
She just got up, "That hurt" she said then tackled me.
I screamed and her claws went into my stomach. Honestly if I didn't want to die I would be crying from pain. I pointed my Dagger in her heart then pushed in it. she gasped and turned into dust. I panted and laid on the ground, I looked at my stomach. It was bloody and I could tell it have deep cuts in it. Then I broke out into a cold sweat, Her claws had been poisoned. I had been poisoned. As I thought about it, I tried to get up, but couldn't. I was going to die here, and I really wasn't that scared about dying, I was scared that the last thing I would see was that terrible thing that killed me, and I would never see Dean again. I sighed and started crying. This had been the first time I had cried in almost two years. I looked over at the pathway and saw a lanky figure. I smiled a little. "Dean" I said.
He looked in my direction and ran over, "Hey ash are you okay?" He asked.
I shrugged and pointed at my legs and stomach, he looked at me with worry in his eyes, "I'm taking you to a hospital" he said and picked me, he held me in his arms, protectively. "Dean we both can't go through the passageway" she said.
He bit his lip, "I can shadow travel" he said. "I'm not going to let you die on me"
I chuckled weakly and curled up in his chest. That's when we went through the shadows.
A hospital, I slowly looked up, "Dean the girl, in the cave" I said
"I'll send a iris message to Chiron, and tell him everything" he said.
I nodded slowly, that's when the doctor came up to him. Saying they had a room ready. Dean took me to the room, and then put me on the bed. He sat in the chair beside me, he looked tired and worried. He told the doctor that I had been attacked by something, then told them about the cuts on my stomach and legs. The doctor nodded. I felt light headed, and tried to look around the room, but my vision blurred. "Dean" I said weakly.
He looked over at me, grabbing my hand, "ash are you okay?" He asked.
I slowly nodded, "yeah" I mumbled. That's when everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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