chapter 7

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                 Evyana had , to make sure she’d heard him right. How could it be? Out of all the possible ways she’d thought this would go down , this definitely wasn’t a scenario she’d imagined. The thing with her was, she had to plan things meticulously , it had been a habit of hers , as a child she learned things were more complicated , than she could even fathom , and no matter how desperately she’d wished , they wouldn’t change. Her parents wouldn’t stop breaking into an argument , everytime they disagreed on something , her tears and the sheer feeling of helplessness always unseen by their eyes , their fights would then escalate from verbal abuse to physical and her tears from silent cries to screams , screams that begged them to stop, still ignored.

So she’d just given up, given up on trying to control what she couldn’t , she’d started accepting things , didn’t mean she wouldn’t get involved , the girl , no matter how terrified when she started growing up, she’d understood that if she didn’t interfere , one of them would either severely injure the other, or end up taking a life. Mostly it was her mother , who was subjected to abuse, the petty arguments turned into punches and slaps and all the horrors too much to comprehend for a girl her age. She’d interfered though , and in doing so , was too subjected to abuse at the hands of her father. She’d remembered she had good times with him too, but after a while , this shadow of darkness had just gripped them and turned everyday into a nightmare .

Then she’d completely decided to act unaffected by everything , the nightmare , that was her life, took a back seat as she found escape in books . Her bedroom became her solace , a safe place for her to withdraw and ignore what happened outside those doors . Adrian wasn’t a part of her life just then. Evyana then , developed a habit of controlling things she could , like her grades and whatever little liberties she had , she didn’t have many of those either , her mother had made sure of that. Evyana knew she couldn’t blame it entirely on her, whatever she’d faced , just made her all the more eager to make sure , her daughter didn’t go through atleast in her future, so she’d forced Evyana to prioritize her career , as a consequence, the girl was left without any real friends and had further withdrawn into her head.

The line between controlling what she could , and slowly imparting it to other aspects of her life , blurred ever so slowly as she’d grown up. Both her parents were long dead now , but still she carried the scars from her childhood, and had a long journey to healing .

   Whatever was happening right now, was supposed to drive her insane , as it made no sense to the rational part of her mind , but she was satisfied at being right , at finally having Theo in front of her and the fact that she’d grown attached to him over the period of time he’d been the main subject of her dreams was something she decided she wouldn’t acknowledge for now.

“ You dreamt of me?” she asked trying to make sense of his statement.

“ Ever since I was a child.” His tone held a myriad of emotions from frustration to wonder Evyana couldn’t even imagine.

She just stared , Adrian knew whatever this was, it was theirs and felt like an intruder in their private moment , but he couldn’t just leave her alone , he still didn’t trust the guy and Ana was too precious for him to lose.

Theo handed over the book he’d held on to since they’d enter , she just took it without question. “Is it real?” she asked dumbfounded “Eirlys?”

Now was the time , Theo started to get concerned about the other factors too, the ones he’d seemed to ignore till now , his back straightened and his demeanor went from relaxed to alert within seconds , she’d known this, seen this and watching it in the flesh felt so natural , she smiled.

“ It is.” Theo answered , Evyana knew , her question was what had caused him to break out of his happy spell. She knew her, explanation would put certain things into perspective for all of them .

She held on to the book he’d given her, the cover made of a material that had aged but still somehow soft , with beautiful carvings at the spine . It was suede and pleasing to look at a book that represented how well it’d been loved , it was old but had been treated reverently it just made her , all the more curious to know what it was that the pages held. Now though, was the time to narrate her side of the story.

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