chapter 8

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" I dreamt of you too, it started about 7-8 months ago , I didn't think much of it , I just thought it was my imagination running wild, I couldn't fathom any other logical explanation." her eyes were sympathetic as she couldn't even comprehend what it must've been like for him.

" At first I'd thought they'd go away, the dreams , but when they didn't , I tried you know? Looking for you, I didn't know where to start , but I'd tried ." The three of them were silent , next to her Adrian sat calmly listening , he didn't seem so angry anymore , just focused on her words , and Theo, Theo too held on to everything she'd said .

He knew her mother had passed away recently , he'd known how her condition had worsened after that, now even though there was no one in the house to restrict her, the house seemed even more daunting , her father had passed long back , when she'd been a teenager , alcoholism had been his downfall. Theo had thought her life would improve after it , but it had only worsened , and it pained him that he could do nothing but watch , that even if he reached out , she wouldn't know. So he'd watched silently frustratingly, helplessly as she'd suffered , and after her mom , she'd herself locked her up , in a prison of dismay. Adrian did help , Theo in no way was a fan of Adrians but he knew , her life was all the more better with him in it , and he'd been a great friend in the most trying times of her life. Theo had only resented Adrian because he could do the one thing that Theo wanted more than anything , be there for her. Now , too Theo could see his presence was a great comfort to her. He could only imagine , he'd be able to do the same , if not more.

" When I couldn't find a trace of you anywhere, I started writing , about the dreams in a book. I thought it'd help me , maintain my sanity. " she continued as if narrating a story to a child , but her tone somber.

She looked at Adrian now , " I told you about the book, but I couldn't tell you about the source , it made me feel like an imposter , writing the story down , but again it was the only way I felt sane and could talk about it to you."

He looked at her sympathetically , held her hand as he spoke , " Ana, it all seems a bit surreal."

The two of them laughed then, she knew this was Adrian trying his best to be understanding. Theo couldn't help but feel like an outsider in that moment.

Evyana seemed to snap out of it as if she'd remembered an important detail . " Since childhood ? You said! You said you've had these dreams ? Dreams of me? Since you were a child??" her voice high pitched , her face held a horrified expression, Theo and Adrian both knew where her head was at, Theo even more so .

" I......I swear I couldn't control it, it just...." He looked earnest, a bit helpless too and more than anything sincere , even Adrian trusted him now.

" I know, I know how it worked . It's just too much." She said her eyes closed.

Theo and Evyana both felt like intruders in each others lives the insight the dreams had given the them , about the other was something that just happened , it wasn't their choice. She wondered if they did have a choice? Would he have chosen otherwise ? Would he rather not have her in his life . She wouldn't blame him , it was too much , she understood . Your sense of reality being questioned wasn't an easy thing , and living your life inspite of it , was no easy feat. Her dreams of Theo had been a comfort , after her mother's death a little over a year ago , she had tried to change , she'd taken a trip , dyed her hair , had gotten a tattoo , showed up to her graduation drunk , she had a degree in life sciences but chose to work as a librarian , all her little acts of rebellion had helped her , she was happy at her job , much more than she'd be working elsewhere, books made her happy and she'd accidentally stumbled upon a book, a book that carried symbols , one that she'd found quite mesmerizing , it was a delicately drawn symbol , it's meaning - " may unexpected miracles find me."

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