Chapter 23

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Paige's POV:

I hadn't spoken directly to Kevin since then but we still stayed together. We lived in silence I guess you could say. I know I'm overreacting and I know that pregnancy hormones have a great part into it. Kevin shouldn't have done that. Who gets on their knee to tell their girlfriend that they're getting a divorce from their wife? When a man gets on one knee, it's suppose to be every woman's dream come true. You're suppose to think that this is it. This is going to be the best moment of your life and you have to take in every moment of the detail. When he starts talking, you're suppose to take the speech to memory and I did just that. But then we said her name..God. The way he says her just sets me off. I don't think he'll ever be over Nikki especially now that she's pregnant with not one, but two of his children. I don't know. It just seems like an unplanned competition now.

"Alright. Its time for me get out of here. Good luck kiss?" I was sitting on the couch in Kevin's locker room at NXTakeover. He'd been pacing back and forth mumbling to himself ignoring me because I've been ignoring him. I'm still very pissed off with him. Tonight was his night and I supported him and all but I was still very pissed off with him. "You shouldn't focus on kissing anyone right now. You should be focused on winning that NXT championship." He sighed, "Are you seriously still mad at me for that? Look Paige, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that me getting on one knee wasn't what you expected and that it built all your hopes up. What do you honestly want me to do? You've been silent to me all week when I've already apologized several times!" I sighed and kissed his cheek. I looked him in his eyes and all I could say was, "Good luck tonight."

Not that he needed. The match was insane as most NXT matches are. A lot of highflying from both Kevin and Sami, great counters to each move because they know each other so well, the roar of the crowd was something indescribable. The only thing that bothered me was that they kept putting the camera on Nikki cheering him on in the crowd. No one knew they were divorced now. They just knew that Nikki Bella was pregnant by the newest rising star, Kevin Owens. That's all anyone ever talked about nowadays. On the cover of WWE magazine, it referred to them as Beauty and The Beast. If anyone's beauty and the beast, it should've been Brie and Bryan. I guess because Kevin's a slightly bigger guy it's more fitting. It even bothered me that they did the cover together but it seems as though I'm the only one that's being bothered by it. Not even John's sweating this whole thing.

"Uh-oh. I know that look. What's wrong?" I heard the familiar English accent that matched mine and glanced to the side of me. I was now in the hallway sitting on a cart just watching the title match on one of those tiny television sets on one of the tables. I smiled at the voice but kept watching the match, "Nothing's wrong. Fancy meetin you here." "Is it? You're in my kingdom you know. This isn't main roster land." Adrian Neville sat next to me on the crate in the hallway. He was eating french fries because ever since he arrived in America, he can't get enough of them. "That's very true. The environments different." "What brings you to my home turf? Is it to see me?" Adrian smiled and I quickly rolled my eyes, "Not exactly. Just watching the main event just like everyone else."

"The main event or Kevin?" I finally looked at Adrian and he had this smile on his face that wasn't necessarily happy because it didn't reach his eyes. I know why. It's because of our history. Usually by now with us being broken up this long, I'd give in and we'd get back together. Of course that's changed now and I can't just jump in his arms riding off into the sunset. I have Kevin now. Even if I am pissed off with him. "Adrian-" "No, no. Just listen okay? I really miss you. I know you miss me, I can hear it in your voice. The way you look at me. The way you say my name. And it just does something to me, do you understand? I'm miserable without you. We belong together you and I. Just give me one more chance. You don't belong with an evil, sadistic man who's willing to turn on his best friend for fortune. Look at Kevin out there. He's an animal. He's taking quite pleasure on beating the living shit out of Sami Zayn. A man who was once his best friend. A man who's my best friend. A man who's also your best friend, Paige."

I stared at him, "Adrian...things are different now. I can't go back to you even if I wanted to-" "You do want to." "Adrian-" "I can see it. I'm not stupid." I don't know if I want to go back to Adrian again. There was a time where I would've dropped Kevin in a heartbeat for Adrian but now, I fell in love with Kevin. But it's like I'm in love with Adrian as well. God, when did my life become an episode of General Hospital? "Let's just say I did want to get back with you, what would be different? Are you going to stop cheating on me with anything that looks at you twice?" "Are you?" "Don't!" I started to yell,"Don't you dare!"

"Alright just calm-" "No! No I will not calm down! I don't do this shit! I'm usually the one who remains silent and observant but Adrian, I can't take this anymore! You constantly hurt me! I'd find you six inches deep into another woman on four different occasions! I cheated on you once and you'll never let me live it down! Honestly Adrian!? I'm so sick of this! I'm with Kevin! Sure okay, he pisses me off and yeah I don't like the fact that they're making him keep quiet about his divorce from Nikki for publicity but deep down, Kevin is an incredible guy." "AN INCREDIBLE GUY!? Really love, you've got him all wrong. He's a monster. When I look in his eyes, I see the devil himself! This is crazy! You're really gonna be with this guy who doesn't give a shit about you!?" I started to yell at him but then suddenly, I felt a sharp pain surge through what felt like my entire body and I collapsed to my knees.

"Saraya?" God I hate when they use my real name. I prefer Paige. Paige was strong while Saraya was just some punk chick from England. Well, both of us were in a lot of pain. I held onto my stomach and closed my eyes breathing slowly. Adrian called my name again kneeling next to me. I tried to wave him off when he asked, "Are you alright?" "Yeah, yeah just. Is this room kinda blurry to you?" "Blurry? What do you-Paige!" I tried to stand up but I almost fell right back down on the hard metal floor. Adrian caught me luckily. "I think you should go to the hospital, love. You don't look so good." "Why? Do I love I pale?" I managed to make fun of myself in a middle of this and all I got out of it was a weak smile from him.

I started to smile myself to let him know I was fine but my body refused to let me. I felt another sharp pain as Adrian held me close to his bare chest. I wasn't complaining about that part at all. "Paige, come on." He picked me up in his arms and started carrying me toward the exit. I was to weak to fight him, "Where are we going?" "The hospital. Something's wrong." "But what about Kevin? I can't just leave. Tonight is his big night. I have to stay and support him through it." "Well tonight isn't about Kevin anymore, it's about you." I started to fade in and out, finding it really hard to keep my eyes open for some reason.

"We have to wait for Kevin," I whispered. I don't know if Adrian heard me or he was just ignoring me but he didn't reply. He sat me in the backseat and made me lie down. Adrian quickly got to the driver side and started the car as I asked, "Don't you have a match with Finn Balor on the after show? You should be getting ready for that, don't you think?" "I'm not wrestling a match while the love of my life is in pain. You need to go to the hospital." Adrian sped through the parking lot and we were on the highway.

And before I had passed completely out I questioned, "Love of your life?"
Comment, comment, comment! :) lol

Next chapter is the final chapter you guys! :) then it's onto the sequel..

I don't know, I kinda ship Paige with Adrian a little.

I put this chapter in her point of view because throughout this story, we never got to hear how she felt about the Nikki/Kevin situation especially now that WWE isn't letting Kevin or Nikki reveal their divorce. Or the fact that Paige is pregnant just like Nikki.

Anyways, predictions on what will happen next?

And until then, see you next on the finale! :)

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