01 | Prom King

232 41 82

Whitney's POV
Mist covered the sky, joining the white clouds dancing around this foggy afternoon. The football players crowd over the field as always but there's only one guy who's worth watching.


I snapped out of my trance as my soul just tried to jump out of me. I then faced my smirking bestfriend with a frozen expression on my face.

"Jesus Carrie, you startled me!" I whisper-yelled, swiping a strand of ash blonde hair away from my face.

She chuckled, "From what? Drooling over Rick Manson?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I denied innocently.

"Puh-lease! You've been pining over him ever since he left you for that tramp, Josie." she rolled her green eyes with the same shade as mine as she took a seat beside me on the top bleachers.

I sighed heavily, "Where's Mia?" avoiding the subject that, no matter how many weeks it has been, I still can't get over with.

Carrie chuckled once more, "Duh, it's 7:00 am Whit. Since when has Mia got out of her bed that early?"

I groaned, "You're all so lucky I didn't require a Monday morning practice else you'll end up like them."

We both watched as the players on the field break out in sweats, panting and missing out on a good diet breakfast. I'm a cheerleader but even a girl like me knows when to eat.

"Hey Rick, go long!" Andrew, his teammate yelled across the field as he throws the football as hard as he could.

I raised my brow as I watched Rick pick up his feet with a more forceful speed, failing so suddenly as he stumbles onto the ground to kiss the muddy grass.

Suddenly, I'm not so jealous of Josie anymore.

I smirked to myself, "You see that?"

"See what?"

"Exactly," I answered knowingly. "Rick has never missed a catch before, even if it's practice."

She scoffed, "And you think it's because...?"

"He knows I'm watching," I whispered towards her. "Totally distracted." I commented, taking a sip of my warm latte as I eyed him pointedly from the rim of my cup.

"Not to mention, hot." I added with a groan as he dusted his blonde hair with a pissed expression on his face.

"I'll say." Carrie agreed but I knew better than to believe she's attracted to Rick so instead, I followed her prying gaze towards...

A hotdog stand.

My brows creased, "You never liked hotdogs before."

"Not when it comes with leather jacket and ripped jeans." she countered.

I took a second glance and sure enough, I saw a guy around 6'4, walking towards the area. He wore brown leather over his shoulders, black ripped jeans and an aura that says 'go away'.

Definitely Carrie's type.

"Hey new kid! Pass the ball back!" Rick yelled as the ball rolled over near the stand.

Mr. Anti-social glanced towards it, his hand dropping from its pockets as he picks it up swiftly from the ground before hurling it effortlessly at Rick's side of the field.

"Holy... shit..." Andrew muttered.

My green eyes widened as I watched the football fly in an impressive lenght, landing in the arms of Rick's teammate near the goal post.

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