06 | Upon a Conch

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I tucked my hands into my pockets as I walked my way home. The town was already dark with only lighted lamp posts illuminating every path.

I sucked a breath, still getting used to the chilly air when I heard familiar voices just by the next corner. It opposes my path on the way home but I can't shrug the sudden strange feeling.

Soon enough, I spotted two blondes arguing like barbie and ken near a tree.

"Why are you making this hard for me?"

"Leave me alone Rick."

That's Whitney's voice.

Upon recognizing it, I walked closer to the sound of their argument.

Rick scoffed, "You don't honestly think I'd buy the gossips do you?"

"Well they weren't a lie."

"You're kidding right? He obviously doesn't care about you."

Whitney faced him, an unreadable expression on her face, "So what if he doesn't? You don't care about me either."

"But you obviously still care about me." he smirked, propping his hand on the tree Whitney is leaning at. "We don't have to break any of our relationships though, what's forbidden is sweeter am I right?"

She scoffed, "I'm not gonna be your side chick Rick!" she yelled, pushing him away before attempting to leave. The jock stopped her by grabbing her wrists and pinning them back on the tree.

"Oh, so Parker can have you in his beck and call but I can't?!" he questioned roughly.

"Get off me!"

My fist landed against Rick's face making him stumble on the ground.

"Jace!" Whitney gasp in surprise as I glanced towards her forest green eyes filled with fear.

I was about to comfort her when I felt a pair of hands turn me around before a solid fist met my jaw. I stumbled back for a while but managed to keep myself steady.

"Thought I told you to stay away!" Rick growled.

"Do I look like I follow orders?!" I growled back before he tackled me on the ground.

We wrestled until I had the chance to kick him off me. I then craned my neck from the ground and just when the bastard was about to kick my side, I grabbed his ankle until his back met the ground once more with a thud.

"Stop it you two!!" Whitney yelled at a near distance.

I grunted as I lift myself off the ground and from my peripheral view, I saw Rick do the same.

He lunged himself forward to throw another punch but I caught his fist mid-air to land a blow on his stomach instead. He had his upper torso bent for a moment before he delivered a blow in the middle of my face.

I winced in pain as I held my bleeding nose, glaring at him before pushing the jerk by the chest. He stumbled weakly that I had the chance to grab him by the collar of his shirt.

"If you two won't stop, I'm calling my dad!!" the blonde cheerleader taunted.

We pushed ourselves off each other at the same time, disliking the idea of spending the night in the sheriff's care.

Rick grabbed me by the shoulder to say something but I slapped his hand off, attempting to equal the treatment of my nose to his but he managed to dodge my fist.

"Rick! For the last time, leave!" Whitney hissed.

"I was here first!"

"Now!!" she repeated.

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