Chapter 4- part 1

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Callie's pov
Today was a big day. My first day at work in New York City hospital. My research and testing would slowly start to develop into something proper, something that could help thousands of people.

I hauled myself out of the comfort of my nice, warm, comfy bed and made myself a coffee in the kitchen. While I was there, I put together Sofia's packed lunch, for her first day at her new school. I really hoped she'd be ok.

After showering, getting dressed and doing my makeup for the day, I went into Sofia's room. The walls were painted lilac, with lots of bright colours and toys scattered around. I was a little jealous myself.

"Morning Sof, we need to get you ready for your first day at new school!" I said as positively as I could, trying to steer her away from tears or tantrums.

"I don't want to go to new school. I want to go to my school" she argued back. Yay.

"I know baby but you can make so many new friends here, it'll be fun. And after school, we can go for ice cream or pizza and have movie night"

"Okayyyy. Only if we can have pizza and ice cream"

"Fine" I smiled.

Sof eventually got out of bed and I helped her get dressed into a pretty purple skirt and a pink unicorn T-shirt, and her purple coat. She had her breakfast then I drove her to school. It was much bigger than her previous school in Seattle, and it was a lot busier outside, but I was sure she'd be fine.

We walked inside and were lead to her new classroom, where the teacher gave us a warm welcome and introduced Sofia to a few other kids.

"I'm sure she'll fit in great here" she said, possibly trying to calm my nerves.

"Thank you so much" I replied.

I then gave my daughter a kiss and hugged her so tight, and finally left to go to work. Excitinggggg.

Two hours later

Arizona's pov
6.30 am and my phone was ringing. It wasn't my pager because I could recognise that from anywhere. Who would be calling me at 6.30am on my day off. I'm not on call.

I rubbed my eyes before aggressively pulling my phone off it's charger. Random number.

"Hello? This is Doctor Arizona Robbins"
"Hi, I'm Sofia Robbins Sloan Torres' teacher, I was wondering if you could come to the school"
"Have you spoke to Sofia's other mum, Callie? She's the one in New York"
"We tried but we could get hold of her"
"Is Sofia ok?"
"Would you be able to come into school to speak to us and Sofia?"
"I can be there in like 5 hours"
"That'll be fine, we'll see you later"

So, for my day off I'm flying to New York. Just what I wanted to do today. At least I'll get to see Sof though.

Later, after getting throwing on some grey joggers and a T-shirt and hoodie, I made my way to the airport. All I had packed was my phone charger, a book a few T-shirts, a pair of jeans and a fancier top for meeting Sofia's teacher. I had that in a black rucksack, and carried my purse with me too.

At the airport, I pulled the doctor card. I luckily managed to rush through everywhere, that was until baggage control. I stepped into the body scanner, and realised something.

"Excuse me, er I have a er"

There it was. The beeping. Everyone was scared. I got stares from all these people I'd never even seen before.

"Put your hands up" one of the guards said, clearly thinking I was part of an attack or something.

"I, I have a prosthetic leg" my quiet, embarrassed voice spoke up.

A guard quickly came over and a pointed down at the side with the prosthetic, my face as red as ever.

He pulled up my jogger and realised I was telling the truth. They knew I wasn't a threat, but I was still getting stares. The embarrassment swept over me, and the guard stepped away. I pulled down my joggers to hide my fake leg, and stepped away from the scanning machine.

Just like that, I was on a plane. And just like that, I was up in the sky trapped in a metal tube once again.

My seat was next to an old woman, she looked rather sweet. The whole journey, I had had my eyes closed. I must've looked like I was asleep or desperately trying to avoid talking to her, and to be honest I kind of was.

Until we got half way through the flight.

"Ma'am, would you like any refreshments?" A flight attendant asked.

My eyes opened to look at her, but the window behind her caught my eye. I could see clouds and sky and a long way to fall. Without realising, I was shaking. There was tears in my eyes.

The old woman thanked the attendant for a bottle of water, then passed it to me.

"Here sweet, have a drink"

I opened the water and took a sip, still shaking.

"Is this your first time flying?" She asked, with a calming tone in her voice.

"A few years back, there was a plane crash. Doctors from Seattle Grace Mercy West were on their way to perform surgery in Boise. Six went up, five came down. I was one of the five" my vulnerable voice whispered. 

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry" she put her hand on my arm.

"I, I lost my leg in it. My wife, well ex-wife now, she made the call to cut it off. It was a horrible time.

"Is this your first time flying since"

I nodded.

She sat back, and I did the same, but she held my hand. I smiled at her before going back to closing my eyes.

A few minutes later, we hit turbulence. The captain informed it was just minor, and nothing to worry about, but it just set me off. I messed around with my seatbelt, trying to pull it off, before eventually simply clicking the thing to undo it, then ran off into the plane toilet. I stood against the wall, crying my eyes out, barely able to breath. I should've brought my makeup bag. I can't meet Sofia's teacher like this. She'll think I'm mad.

My heart pounded against my chest, feeling like it would explode any second. I held onto the bar on the side of the wall. I hadn't realised how much I was shaking until then. Sobs escaped my mouth, and there was still two hours of this hellish journey to go. And then I'd have to do it again. Another five hours.

Knock knock. "Doctor, can I come in? It's me, the woman sitting next to you"

I steadied myself as I unlocked the door then collapsed back against the wall.

"What's your name" the woman asked gently.

"A, A, Arizona" I stuttered.

"Well Arizona, my name is Felicity. You can call me Fliss"

I gave her a small smile, the best I could do while feeling like I could plummet to my death any second. She pulled me into hug, and I held onto her. Now the door was open, every passenger on the plane could probably hear my sobs.

We stayed there for about ten minutes, before she took my hand and led me back to our seats. She sat down next to the window, and pulled down the little white cover so I couldn't see the sky. Next, she handed me an eye mask so I could avoid looking out any windows at all. I thanked her then put it on, holding her hand and shaking.

Everything went fine after that. Landing was very difficult, but other than that I was ok. Customs was a bit of a worry. I had no makeup on, and my eyes were red from crying. I was paler than usual, still feeling slightly sick from the journey. I didn't have to wait for luggage as I had two carry ons, but I stood with my new friend Fliss and helped her get her two suitcases off the escalator.

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