Chapter 26- Temptation

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"Bethany! I got a strawberry salad!!!" Witney called out walking into Bethany's apartment.

It's been a week since Bethany's last weigh in. She gets weighed every 10 days. Everyone has been so shocked at Bethany's progress ever since Derek has been taking the lead. It's still a struggle. But not as much.

No reply from Bethany.

"Bethany?" Witney called again.

Witney didn't hear a word.. But she heard gags.. From Bethany's bathroom.

"shit.." Witney hissed quietly.

Witney opened the bathroom door to reveal Bethany leaning over the toilet throwing up the contents of her last 2 meals.

"Beth..." Witney leaned down next to now a crying Bethany..

"I couldn't keep it down..." She whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"It's ok... We all know it's hard."

Bethany didn't reply.

"Beth?" Witney knew something was on her mind.

"You guys have put so much work into getting me to eat. I caused so much shit.. I made you guys work me into all of your schedules. I made you guys worry and stress. You guys do so much for me... And I can't even keep it down."

"Beth... We all care about you and your worth it. It's ok, you'll get there."

"I need to clean up a bit. I'll be out in a minute."

"Alright." Witney left the bathroom and preped the salad.

Once she was done she made a quick text to Derek,

Bethany threw up... She didn't want to though. She's getting there. I don't know what to do. Best you talk to her tonight



"Yah B?" Witney asked turning her head to Bethany.

"I don't want to eat the salad."

"But.. You finished over half of it last time."

"I don't want to."

"Bethany... Please?"

Bethany just simply shook her head.

"Beth... Just half? Maybe not even, just eat a little of it."

"I'll try.."

As Bethany sat down looking at the plate of greens, strawberries, and a little bit of oil Witney's phone went off.


Crap... Weigh in is in 3 days. I'm praying she didn't lose anything. I'll see what I can do tonight. Is she eating now?

Witney quickly texted back,

Yah, she didn't want to though.



"Who are you texting?"


"Why? Please don't tell him.."

"B.. He needs to know. He's the one who has the most impact on you."

Bethany simply didn't reply and twirled her fork around for a bit before managing to put another strawberry in her mouth.



"What's going on?" Val asked watching Derek on his phone.

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