Chapter 29- The Outlaws

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Bethany looked at herself in the mirror once again. Her hair was perfectly curled the way it always is. Her dress was a dark blue dress that went down to her knees and it was glittery on the top half and slightly poofed out on the bottom half. She looked beautiful. But the only she could see in the mirror was...




She shook the thought from her mind.. Because she knew Derek wouldn't let her think of herself like that. Because she knew he loved her. And she loved him.

Taking another deep brethe she grabbed all the gifts and headed out.


"Bethany!! Hey!" Julianne welcomed Bethany as she walked in.

"Hey Jules." Bethany went in for the hug Julianne held her arms out for.

"How have you been?''


"Beth.. How have you been?" Julianne repeated, that's when Bethany realized she was talking about her eating disorder.

"Better.. Thank you."

"Well, I'm here for you. We all are. And if you even get the slightest thought of puking, don't hold it in for us. We all know your trying."

"Thank you."

"Anything for my brother's-"

"BETHANY!!!!" A male vocie cut Julianne off.

The girls turned around to see a very excited Derek running towards Bethany and lifting her off the floor hugging her so tight it was unbareable.

"Derek!! Have to breathe." Bethany said laughing.

Derek put her down letting her go and pushing her lips against his. They must've kissed for longer than they thought cause when they pulled apart Julianne was already gone.

"I missed you."

"Derek you saw me yesterday."

"Still, I'm use to waking up with you next to me."

"Oh you poor baby. Having to sleep in your own bed. SUCH TORTURE!" Bethany dramatically exclaimed.

"Oh it was." Derek winked, "Cause you weren't there."

Bethany just rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Come on, everyone's in the living room."


The dinner was all eyes on Bethany. The conversation in the room was steered clear of the topic of food until the dinner came around. Bethany looked down at the plate and then her eyes scanned over to Witney's. She was eating 1/3rd of what Witney was eating. And 1/5 of what Val and Derek were eating. No one took a sip or bite. They all just looked at Bethany..

Derek knew that she was feeling bad about the situation. He understood her fustration with food. He knew she was having problems with it. So under the table he took her hand and looked at her with his piercing blue eyes that filled with love...

And that's all Bethany needed.

She lifted the fork that was on the table and took a bite of the salad...

Everyone smiling knowing how much strength she had..

The rest of the dinner was filled with wonderful conversations. Stories from the days when Julianne, Derek, and Mark lived together. Witney's embarrassing storys. Everyone imitating Bethany's faces that she's made on her YouTube videos. It was just the perfect time.

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